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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Nintendo DS windows edition
  2. Epic is not a platform holder. XBL is in direct competition with PSN. Sony doesn't want its PSN users creating XBL accounts on PlayStation.
  3. Did you start on Hero mode?..... I didn't bother playing it on the regular difficulty, started with Hero mode from the Jump.
  4. Minecraft is a different situation... that requires an MS account. Sony won't allow that.
  5. Why do you always conflate shit that has nothing to do with this? The cross play thing has been the works for over a year.... it didn't just crystallized Today... lol
  6. Remain competitive with who? Native hardware gaming currently is leagues more profitable than streaming games. Yes streaming is the future..... but it's not taking off tomorrow or next year or the year after. Sony is preparing for the future but don't expect launch PS5 games on streaming services day and date.... by the end of next gen streaming will be slowly gaining on native gaming. You really do believe that by 2020/2021 streaming will have supplanted native gaming?
  7. Even if MS didn't fuck up at launch....they fucked up for the ENTIRE gen by not having definitive Blockbuster exclusives for 6 years. PS4 would have still curb stumped Xbox into the ground by this same margin
  8. Is slow Jonny comparing hobo pass day 1 releases of MS first party games to be the same as Sony putting GOW on PSNOW After 18 months and AFTER It has already sold over 10 million at retail? It's teh same guiz
  9. look at this former lemming who was forced to become a hermit (because XB1 has no games) beg for Sony games Day 1 on PC
  10. Recall entire product line? Wet dreams of a lemming. If red ring of death didn't cause a recall of an entire product line. Stick drift won't. Joy-Cons are already repaired for free. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/07/24/nintendo-to-repair-joy-con-drift-issues-for-free-and-refund-past-repairs
  11. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/07/24/nintendo-to-repair-joy-con-drift-issues-for-free-and-refund-past-repairs Get it fixed for free then
  12. I believe you can choose battle themes from prior DQ games in the full release.
  13. That first part is true... they were waiting on native UE4 support for Switch which they said from jump. The 2nd part is not true, it was never close to being a 3DS HD game.... That was speculated, so much so that people actually started to believe it for a number of reasons 1) because they weren't showing the Switch version 2) People didn't believe SE excuse as to why it wasn't being shown 3) and on top of that people also didn't believe Switch could capably run a huge open world RPG UE4 game. But yes.. it did turn out
  14. There was rampant speculation across the web that this would be a 3DS HD version on Switch..... Bbbut no one said this Same Resolution and frame rate as PS4 version...... Bbbut it looks like shit PS4 version sounds like shit though.... compressed Midi.. entire game sounds like you're underwater
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