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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. And don't forget micro-transactions 🤮
  2. No it's not the same cart. TOTK is on a 32gb cart, BOTW is on a 16 GB cart. With that said games being 70 is ridiculous, especially games that come bare bones and you have to purchase characters, skins, weapons etc with real money on DAY 1 after already spending 70.
  3. The OG Switch had gimmicks - Labo, Mario Kart Live, ring fit etc. The difference between Switch and wiiu/Wii is that the entire system wasn't built around gimmicks. They made sure the core system itself wasn't severely hampered by the gimmicks but still versatile enough to facilitate the gimmicks of labo, mk live, ring fit etc. The joycons include all the motion stuff from Wii, including an IR camera, it includes the amibo stuff from wiiu + the system itself has a screen like Wiiu had it it's controller. So I fully expect the system itself to b
  4. He already played it on his PS5 so who cares that it's maybe coming Xbox "whenever possible"
  5. Slow Jonny still crying about this thread "whenever possible" it seems
  6. Apparently you do because you're triggered by "whenever possible"
  7. That phrase "whenever possible" sure triggered you... Look at the tears flow
  8. Slow Jonny - "Octopath 2 coming to Xbox 2 years from now.... We win"
  9. "whenever possible" could mean 2026 or next gen for all we know
  10. Look mad he is that square said "whenever possible" and that Nintendo and Sony didn't pay to get more support... Big mad Stay mad bitch
  11. Slow Jonny you brought up Playstation paying for Square support in reference to Xbox getting less support. I pointed out that both Playstation and Switch get more square support than XBOX without paying for it... Which was in reference to your comment. Why are you so mad at that fact they don't pay for it and get more support And yes Square will throw Xbox a bone "whenever possible".. Stay mad
  12. No slow Jonny I said they're mostly on PlayStation AND THEN Switch. Meaning Playstation gets the most Square support then Switch 2nd... Neither of them are paying for it Why are you so mad that Xbox gets the least support from Square? Look at your response 'Bbbut you're retarded "
  13. Majority of Square games are on PlayStation and then Switch. Xbox gets a square game here there because in Asia Xbox is basically non existent.
  14. Let me remind you we're in a Switch 2 thread... A device that is not even out as yet, specs aren't out as yet, images of the device isn't even out as yet.. It's rumored to be a 1yr and 4 months away... And yet sugarhigh felt so triggered he started crying about deck.... Unprovoked too
  15. Reality check.. There is no Switch vs deck paradigm..that only exists in steam deck fan boys heads. The deck is a niche device (which is ok)..to play your steam library.. But let's not pretend it's major competition or any for that matter to switch... No developer is diverting any resources to create games for the deck from the ground up... No retail chain is carving out space to put deck on its shelves. Day 1 Switch 2 Mindshare will dwarf deck, Day 1 it will have more games made from the ground up for it And within launch month or sooner it will surpas
  16. Those games were just an example off the top of my head... But Again That's your opinion that they were meh.. Example.. I think they combat mechanics in Astral chain are superb. but saying it was only mostly Wiiu ports is not the samething as saying the new games were meh to you
  17. Your opinion that the new games were meh is not the same as saying it was mostly only Wiiu ports... You're "Switching" up what you said... And yes pun intended..lol Not saying you're biased.. I'm saying You're forgetting how Wiiu actually was and the months long droughts. Yes in the end the Wiiu built up a solid library, but in real time the wait for new games was rough. Switch didn't have that problem.
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