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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Slow Jonny, I get your strawman but that doesn't make it a relevant point. Lemmings are now to the point of celebrating bargain prices AT LAUNCH..... that's how low the bar is for them
  2. Hey Retard you are talking about something else entirely. Bodycount is claiming once a female character is on the cover it's an insta flop. You're talking about Character design, which applies to male and female characters. Badly designed characters is a different topic.
  3. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to decipher that the majority of would choose FREE or $2 dollars over paying 60
  4. Ohh so you're more attracted to male leads on game covers? Gears 5 didn't flop because of the cover.... gears flopped because the series had gone downhill. Was gears 4 trash because of a male on the cover? That must be it right? "If you want gamers to care about female leads" Its a video game.... you care about your video game characters on the box? lmfao.
  5. Context slow Jonny Context. 3 million launch at retail at 60 dollars would be impressive. 3 million players World Wide when access to the game is literally FREE or only $2 dollars?..... that's low. It's not a flop... but that's not a raving success either.
  6. Something is wrong with you. What do you have against women leading characters in games?
  7. They were dipping their toes into it before .... now they're totally diving in. 3 million players is a low number when gamepass is only $2 dollars.
  8. MS is now using "most played" as their metric for success. It's clear they're moving towards a subscription model. But the spin was still funny though. "best ever launch for Xbox Game pass for PC" - Gamepass launched June 2019 on PC. "Over 3 million players" - With gamepass only being $2 the number of players should be higher than that. The biggest question now is how many of those players will renew GP once they beat gears.
  9. Is it mandatory to be delusional as a requirement for lemming membership? It seems like you, slow Jonny, DynamiteCop and Spic all have that in common
  10. Let's start with Japan. 107.386 Total lifetime sales as of Sept 8th 2019
  11. continue.... and what is it at in; Japan? Germany? UK? etc...
  12. That's called a slight back track into you contradicting yourself because you got called out for calling locked 30fps "running like ass". You went from saying "running like ass" to "passable but not ideal". So locked 30fps is now "passable but not ideal" huh? Which comes back to the same thing I said about you and slow Jonny retarded asses..... "bbbbut 30fps is sooo disappointing"
  13. Lmfao.... look at you twisting into a pretzel with even more BS. ....... The Wiiu was dead long before BOTW released on it. You claimed that because BOTW was on Switch and not a Wiiu "exclusive" (calling a game that is only on Nintendo systems not exclusive is retarded to begin with) , and that somehow Wiiu owners got screwed even though they still got the game that was promised to them. Which is the same thing happening with X and Halo..... yet somehow you don't think X owners are getting screwed.
  14. Calling locked 30fps "running like ass" proves exactly what I said about you two weeks ago.... clown ass
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