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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. They still make Trine games?
  2. The Right voted for mitch recently in the midterms, that's how he got re-elected...that's who they wanted... They had an opportunity to elect someone new. The GOP should put forward great candidates for the presidential election if they want Biden gone. Lunatics conspiracy theorist Manchaurian candidates or the MAGA cult leader or the Floridian wannabe be fascist dictator aren't good candidates
  3. Some of the MAGA people are just realizing 3 years later they were all duped. Unfortunately we have people like Cooke and Ramza who both live all the way in Canada but still drink the MAGA kool aid
  4. That's how you know they don't really care about the country... They're genuinely upset things are improving.. Like WTF?
  5. Yes.. Every single forum is against you. You're not the problem, it's everyone else on the internet. Even right leaning Neo Gaf
  6. Same tired song and dance from you. It's everyone else but you. ... Right right.
  7. Yes that's his excuse for getting banned at every forum he posts at. So it should sound familiar.
  8. And Musk wonders why they're in the red, losing revenue and advertisers left and right.
  9. Biden's infustructure plan, economic plan, border, technology plan, manufacturing plan, health plans, foreign policy etc are all now a resounding success. Besides being antivaxx, conspiracy theorist, 5G started covid, wifi is evil, Ukraine should surrender candidate...what is RFK campaigning on? RFK jr has been a plant and Manchaurian candidate from day 1.
  10. AKA a spoiler candidate just like I been telling your fucking dumb ass
  11. There's a difference between an HD re-release, a remaster and a remake... Not going to argue back and forth with you on you choosing to use it interchangeably.... That's your choice to stay retarded Oh you finally know the difference between in engine and gameplay.. Good for you...that's growth. But when MS had one of their first Xbox series shows you thought the in engine videos were gameplay and double down on it too
  12. You been hiding and lurking for damn near two years because Xbox sucked so hard. How pussy is that? Now the deal went through you got your MOJO back? Lmfao. You ass gets banned everywhere you post and it's always "everyone's fault" but your own and you're a bitch ass for cowering and lurking because you were too pussy to post
  13. You get banned everywhere you post... Like damn kid
  14. Oh shit you can't read and comprehend for real Go back, sound out the words.. Take your time and read what I said about Debbie. Then get back to me And PS your dumbass thinks MAGA Republicans organically want RFK to win the primary and it has nothing to do with wanting an easier opponent for Trump. For the midterms when democrats were elevating MAGA candidates... You saw what it was and said it was (spoilers) and thought it was a loosing strategy for Dems to try to prop up weaker opponents. (you were wrong because it was a winning strategy as
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