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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Exactly.... and the games came in the EXACT SAME ORDER they said it would. DynamiteCop denied anything would come.... all the games have come so far.... last on the list is gamepass
  2. Slow Jonny... no one on this board believes you don't care about Xbox1.... Stop it.... that's not even worth arguing about.
  3. “ you know, we would like to see Game Pass on all platforms ultimately and I think that is a long term goal. We don't have any specific plans today, but we would love to see Game Pass really go everywhere." Told your dumbass.
  4. Those games you listed aren't NEW bangers that you are playing... you have yet to answer the question. Xbox1 is currently in a massive drought... meanwhile Switch is rolling in the Bangers after Banger
  5. Those old games are side games for us be a we're getting AAAe and AAe Banger after Banger. So can't seem to answer a simple question. What NEW bangers are you playing slow Jonny?
  6. Im sure you saw me talking about Mario Maker 2, Fire Emblem, Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Luigi's Mansion 3....this list goes on and on... Too many bangers Lmfao at you playing old games on hobo pass . I asked what NEW bangers are you playing?
  7. 49.99 https://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Quest-XI-Elusive-Definitive-Nintendo/dp/B07NQGDXRY on Xbox1 the game doesn't exist
  8. These are side games for Switch owners ..... we actually have AAAes What new bangers are you playing?
  9. You didn't play Witcher 3 until over 3 years later. Sheep are playing DQXI less than a year later.... Slow Johnny "OMG soooo late "
  10. You waited more then 3 years.... people who get it on Switch will play it less than a year after you
  11. Bro you didn't play Witcher 3 until less than a year ago..... You hated the game for 3 years and once it came to X... you tried it a few months after that... and all. of a sudden you liked it
  12. Same frame rate as consoles.... oh wait... console... this is Xcluded PS4 was native 900p Switch is Dynamic 900p Better Audio quality than PS4 or PC 2D mode also offers different areas than PS4 or PC. New main Quests for every character in your party... any member can be the protagonist. Party members actually follow you on the Map Plus tons more content
  13. Its like talking in circles with you. He got banned a bunch of times over the years. This time it was permanent.
  14. 1) De-platformed means your entire revenue stream is gone. No advertising, no platform, no money. 2) Alex Jones admitted to having a mental disorder that made him lie and make up shit conspiracies..... He now says that he sees that it was all made up BS. 3) He is free to create is own platform and spread his BS. Interesting that not even right wing platforms want to host his show
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