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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Teh conspiracy!!! I didn't post that video you retard.
  2. and slow Jonny too.. he bought like 4 of em joints
  3. Lmfao @SheepKillalooks up and admires this retard
  4. why is it so hard for you to believe that he sold it?
  5. Jones has been banned warned repeatedly over the years....for MULTIPLE OFFENSES he kept going and got permabanned His Rhetoric ratcheted up as time went on... once he started advocating for that shit... It was time for him to go. You're still defending scum I see
  6. Alex Jones was using other people's media platforms and services to peddle his hate speech, doxxing, threats etc... he got banned for it. He is free to use his own platform to peddle that shit. Imagine your baby got killed in sandy hook only for Alex Jones to advocate for you and your family to be harassed, get death treats and doxxed to the point that you have to move 6 times in a few months. Not surprised that scum like you would defend Alex fucking Jones
  7. Bro... he put the victims of Sandy hooks lives in danger and got sued for it.... he tried to back track after months and months of peddling that shit.
  8. says stupid shit, put people's lives in danger, breaks the rules... get banned..... OMG TEH conspiracy
  9. He just got de-platformed in 2018 for being a loony nutjob spreading hysteria
  10. probably shadow drop of ORI 1 and announcement of ORI 2 coming to Switch. I want Hollow Knight 2 Shadow Drops on Monday
  11. All these contracts seem to include Switch versions of MS games that MS. absolutely has nothing to so with Ori is coming to Switch
  12. "Rare’s parent company, Xbox game Studios, has championed a more inclusive strategy in recent years, notably with the release of Cuphead (bbbbbut nothing to do with MS) on Nintendo Switch and the licensing of Banjo-Kazooie (bbbut this was part of the original RARE purchase contract ) to Nintendo for Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC." " The company’s first-party studios boss has even indicated he would allow Xbox developers such as Rare to create new games for rival platforms, such as Nintendo Switch, in the future." Seavor, who worked at Rare under both Nintendo and Microsoft
  13. Astral Chain comes out in 2 weeks and there are a billion videos and Nintendo already sent out full review copies of the game.... Some press members have already played 15 hrs of the campaign.
  14. yes that's extremely weird that NOTHING has been shown for such a huge game for Xbox1.... WTF MS?
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