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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. LemiJ back to making up his own distinctions again and saying "everyone" uses it interchangeably. No wonder MS dupes you with the "in engine" footage that you think is the samething as gameplay. "same shit"
  2. Are you legit stupid or can't read... I literally spelt it out about Debbie. And you just almost fully described a spoiler candidate. MAGA Republicans think he is a better candidate for the democrats BECAUSE RFK jr will lose to Trump in the general election....whereas Biden would beat Trump again. MAGA Republicans want Trump to win.. Hence why they're pushing for RFK so hard. You're probably the only person in the world who can't see that
  3. His real life identity is wrapped up in that plastic box that's why. Last gen and especially this gen has been traumatizing for him. Lemmings are a sad pathetic bunch
  4. After you kept crying about the time... Bbbut that's a norm, Bbbut he can talk as long he wants, bbbbut they tried to silence him Now that you learn that it's an actual rule, now it's bbbbut the time is not relevant anymore 😢 Did you miss where I said the House Republicans invited him to promote his campaign and give him twice his alloted time to give a campaign speech? The house Floor is not for candidates to campaign on and House MAGA Republicans were fake outraged by RFK being fake silenced, all To get past the rule about using house
  5. Nintendo literally said it's an HD port. Even DF points that out. That's not the same as a remaster. The distinction matters.
  6. The time is either 5 or 10 minutes as I stated depending on your rank. And the extra time the chair gave him that I spoke about (10 mins) were up. So he has to shut the fuck up. That's not a norm you imbecile... Its literally a rule of the house of representatives. Those same rules applies to members of the house. They have exactly 5 minutes to question the witness... When your time is up and you have to shut the fuck up and let someone else ask a question. So I guess by your retarded logic everyone who ever spoke in the house of represent
  7. No they can't... Why are you so fucking ignorant about everything? Every single person who comes in front of congress gets a 5 min opening remarks, when the time is up the gavel is banged and you stop talking until you're asked a question. 5 star generals, or people in high positions in government get 10 mins and when their time is up they stop talking until asked a question. House MAGA Republicans already bent the rules to give RFK jr Twice the amount of time he was supposed to get. Interesting how house MAGA Republicans really want to help RFK jr
  8. Its censor not sensor.. You retard. House Republicans wanted him to give a campaign speech ... Unfortunately house rules dictate strict time limits on EVERYONE. His time expired... Cry more
  9. That was the point of the house Republicans inviting him... To help promote his campaign.... They're boosting up their spoiler hopeful
  10. Have you actually read it? Read the source report and or data. Have you actually looked into it yourself? Every single one of those things you post you have never read and it always turns out it doesn't actually say what you claim... You get curbed stomped, abandon the study. Then come back weeks later with a new study you didn't read only for you to get dunked on again... Rinse and repeat. So again, have you actually read it?
  11. A fact I've been telling you for months is not a talking point. If MSNBC is now also reporting that fact, the good on them for pointing out that fact to the general public.
  12. An incumbent President, Not primarying a Manchaurian candidate is a norm worth protecting
  13. Hey retard the vid posted by Remy was about Measles and RFK actions in 2018 to 2019. My post was also about Measles. Do you read anything before posting? or you saw antivaxx and automatically assumed it was about covid?
  14. Florida under DeSantis, changed the curriculum on slavery to say it was beneficial to slaves because they learned a trade..... Rewind a few months ago when they ended all AP black and African study classes..... And now this shit?
  15. RFK went to a small island and spread anti Vax information about the measles vaccine which lead to a measles epidemic and tons of kids under four dying. No wonder Cooke loves him.
  16. Cooke don't know what facts are.. Odds aren't facts.. They're odds.. Probabilities You display your stupidity daily For the millionth time, incompbent presidents over 90% of the time don't get primaried. It hasn’t happened in your life time and you didn't complain not once. What's ironic is you claim he is not a spoiler but advocating for him to be a spoiler.. You're so fucking stupid.. Jeez.
  17. Again are you dense? If you're legitimately running as a democrat or a republican sure you're not a spoiler. But when you're Manchaurian candidate masquerading as a democrat it's quite obvious your goal is to splinter democratic base so that Trump can win. That's why the democrats are exposing him for what he is... A GOP conspiracy theorist who is pretending to be a democrat. I'm still laughing how you understand what a spoiler candidate is on the GOP side but on the other side for democrats your brain can't simply grasp it
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