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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. This wast the first game announced for Switch (NX) and once it was revealed to the public on PS4... people thought Switch couldn't run it (at that time people actually believed BOTW maxed out Switch at launch) and were saying Switch would only get an HD version of the 3DS game..... this was a real thing..... Turns out they were half right.. Switch gets both What held up the Switch version was some of the features used in the game were not supported for Switch in UE4 as yet....once Epic launched Fortnite on Switch last summer.... Epic was able to start rolling Switch optimizations i
  2. What's funny was that when Remij was chosen as a mod it was "yeaaa one if us". Once he actually started modding shit.... now you call him far left?
  3. and DynamiteCop was a sensitive triggered snowflake like a true alt righter. bbbbut why did you lock my thread... tell me!!!!
  4. Reggie's data shows the same thing you dumb shit.....that's the point Reggie is basically shutting down the retards who want to use videogames as the only scapegoat..... which is the same thing Biden said.
  5. Reggie said nothing about the right..... or did you automatically equate him saying "ill informed" to mean right wing?
  6. Why are you quoting me with your dumb shit?
  7. "It is not in and of itself why we have that climate" That's the same thing Reggie data shows
  8. @DynamiteCop! I'll give you an example. I work with the state - I'm responsible for an accountability measure for over 125,000 unique data fields each federal fiscal year. I ensure the data integrity and data quality of that info. The Feds would come in and review 5 to 7 of those.... then use the results from those 5 or 7 ro determine the quality of all those 125K cases. (Probability) The Feds then extrapolate that to determine if my state is in compliance for that federal mandate. The results of each state then determines federal funding , drives chan
  9. No you don't get it. As I just said in a few posts above... you just invalidated yourself from using any probability statistic on this board ever again. You don't realize how much of the data that you yourself lean on religiously (out of context at that)... is based on a projection, or was extrapolated and or a probability. Data sets to represent an entire nation, millions of people etc are rarely ever actually reached those millions of people to tabulate said data. In certain instances it does (accountability measures etc) but in general it doesn't.
  10. That flew waaaayover your head.... he us saying it COULD HAPPEN... but the probability of it happening is "1 in a million" (figure of speech. You left out his next line that says the probability of that happening is very low. "Is it likely? No."
  11. Oh wait.. I thought you were trolling about Polls etc...... So you're back now saying that dumb shit again? You better not post an extrapolated or projected stat ever again ....from now on... every stat you post must have reached every single American alive at the time the data was compiled or else it's not valuable.
  12. Actually no. I've played and beaten both. There is a million more things to do in the overworld in BOTW compared to Xenoblade 2. BOTW over world is more interactive, more puzzles, more bosses, more varied, is actually a true open world.... Xenoblade 2 world is a linear open world (until you get to the end.).... *fake edit*... actually it's linear open world all the way through. Xenoblade 2 is a good game... but the overworld interactions, puzzles, quests etc are the weakest points of the game.
  13. Did you understand what Joe Biden said compared to what Reggie said?
  14.  Bbbut I was trolling guiz... I swearz it So back to what started this..... the polling data and the results therein that you tried to minimize.... it still stands...... thanks for playing... good day to you
  15. Different statistics have different purposes Einstein... its purpose doesn't mean it's not a stat I got you to literally breakdown how a poll is a stat in your own words.... no go argue against your own post
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