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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. wait... you're comparing two Armies fighting over 50 years ago... to civilians fighting the advanced US army in 2019
  2. Bro... civilian guns can't stop the military..... you can't be this stupid Do you know how advanced the US military is?
  3. Gun ownership is a constitutional right.... its not going anywhere. Can't believe you retards are against checks to see if someone is crazy, a criminal or has a license before selling them a gun. Like WTF?
  4. no retard... have you actually read any proposed gun control bill? or are you just repeating right wing media BS? If you're a law abiding citizen who isn't a nut job.... you will still have easy lawful access to guns
  5. Hey retard... NO ONE IS TAKING AWAY YOUR GUNS. GUN CONTROL WON'T STOP LEGAL GUN OWNERSHIP.... IT'S TO STOP AND REDUCE ILLEGAL GUNS. Why you can't get that through your head? as far as race. Domestic Terrorism - White Male Gang Violence - Minority Male Guess what? Gun control goes after both of those.
  6. Did slow Jonny just say no one cares about gang violence? There are entire FBI departments, state police and local police departments that specifically target gang violence. Millions are spent on it each year.... how do you think prisons are filled with gang members? by chance?
  7. and where are those guns coming from to be sold illegally? ..... oh yea... other states.... across state lines. Bro you cannot be this dumb.
  8. It's like talking in circles with you. We went over this yesterday. The guns are illegal in one state BUT ARE EASILY OBTAINED EASILY IN ANOTHER STATE FOR CASH ONLY. The guns are coming in from other states you dolt. Gun control will cover all of that. Why so you think it has to be one or the other?
  9. But those things are true.... the rise was white nationalism and white supremacy. That doesn't take away from gang violence being an issue as well. You do know they're not mutually exclusive right?
  10. Hey retards... gun control applies to all races... doesn't matter if you are black, white yellow green, blue etc. Domestic terrorism mass shootings is mostly done by white men. Gang violence is mostly done by minorities Gun control covers all that.
  11. This guy autistic cop is still at it with this race kd the shooter thing..... Bro something is really wrong with you bro This man is more focused about the race of the shooter than the shootings themselves
  12. Congress now wants to cut their recess short to pass some new gun laws... Trump just blamed white supremacy and racists for all these mass shootings Right Wingers right now -
  13. illegal immigration crime is an even smaller number than mass shooting.... murders by illegal immigrants is even smaller..... Yet you want to spend BILLIONS on this. But innocent American Babies and children being killed in schools, in Walmart at a food festival...... that's a non issue..... insignificant.... don't waste money to try to reduce this. But if a woman gets a leading role in a movie.. or videogame... OMG TEH HORROR.... I DONT WANT TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD!!!! Your perspective on life is fucked bro.
  14. Everyone is laughing at you because you just compared gun violence to heart attacks, dying of old age, dying from cancer etc You seriously can't be this dumb
  15. Murders are only 0.6% of all deaths.... nothing must be done to reduce the murder rate Again this fool actually compared it to ALL TYPES OF DEATHS.... you're a special type of stupid
  16. that comparison you made will make any issue look small. This fool actually compared it to all types of deaths in America
  17. Wait wait wait.... no he didn't just compare all causes or deaths vs mass shootings.... and all types of murders vs Mass shootings DynamiteCop you are beyond stupid... you're so stupid it hurts.
  18. When a cop pulls you over what does he ask for? License and registration. if you don't have those.. what happens? You get fined or suspended. Bro... what you and I personally have access to in our state doesn't = the rest of America. What's up with you and this anecdotal shit? lol Since you like anecdotes so much either one of us can legally drive to another place state and legally walk into a gun show and legally purchase a gun in that state.... with just CASH. We can then LEGALLY OPEN CARTY THIS GUN within those states wi
  19. You really do believe your anecdotal evidence applies to everyone in the United States? I thought your dumbass logic only applied to videogames (when you used the anecdotal evidence from your local best buy abd target to say Switch is a flop)..... apparently you think this way with everything
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