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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. That L you took hurt you bad you tried to resurrect the argument and you still lost It's going to be a long year or two for you waiting for FF Rebirth.. Buckle up.
  2. Who said anything about you getting a PS5? That has nothing to do with Xbox + PC being redundant genius.
  3. Right right... It's all about "potential growth on PC" and not "Im salty it's not day 1 on PC" uh huh.. Lol You're acting as if the game is never coming to PC, what's the big issue that's it not day 1? You lost the argument and then started it back up again because you thought what Chris said benefited your point... When it didn't. Whipe those tears up and enjoy the wait.
  4. Reread what I said... I addressed the thread topic. Once again what Chris said it's not the victory you think it is. Checks tread topic... Pretty sure it's about the UK market.... Which Chris just pointed out is VERY SMALL FOR XBOX AND PC. Which also means FF being on Xbox and PC day 1 in the UK market would not have made a difference as I stated in my previous reply. Pretty sure what Chris said goes against your argument of using the UK market to claim FF should have been day 1 on PC + Xbox seeing as their market there is so small Henc
  5. I told that retard slow Jonny a PC + Xbox for gaming is redundant...he screamed cried and argued "Bbbbbut that's not true " Now look at him barely touching his Xbox because..... checks notes... It's redundant
  6. You're back to being salty that it's not day 1 on PC, I thought you said no need to continue? Chris said Xbox + PC are very small markets in the UK.. So it stands to reason FF7 being day 1 wouldn't have made a difference in the UK. Are you sure physical only, in the UK only is the hill you want to die on? So when the global numbers come out and it shows FF curb stomped DD 2, then what? Are you you going to be salty for the next two years waiting for the PC port?
  7. RFK jr explained himself what a spoiler candidate is Cooke. Stop being retarded... Lol
  8. There's no such thing as a spoiler candidate? Lol Tell that to RFK jr who clearly spells out the spoiler candidate in the 2000 election. Somehow someone in his campaign always let's it slip that he is a spoiler candidate and then his campaign has to back peddle and damage control. That time was himself letting it slip Lol When your goal is NOT to win the election but instead make someone else lose an election. That's a spoiler candidate dumbass.
  9. Nah you're salty.. to the point that you're saying "Bbbbbut FF used to be multi" just because it wasn't day 1 PC. It will still be on multiple platforms... Your salty ass just has to wait.
  10. Even in that scenario, it's a still about the money. More private Jets for the investors. Lol. If Sony paid, then square felt the money paid was enough for them not to release it on multiple systems at launch and was equal or greater then the money they would have made on those systems at launch. And they will still port it to PC down the road. Win win for square. But it still comes back to you being salty about it not launching on PC day 1. Dragon Dogma isn't beating or matching it if FF is doing the same sales numbers on ONE SYSTEM.
  11. Lets be real you're salty they didn't launch on PC and you trying frame the results as a bad thing. Spin it how ever you want, launching on Multiple systems for FF takes more resource than square launching on multiple systems. They felt that the additional resources to do that at launch wasn't worth it. They will eventually port it to PC and still get great sales WHILE spending less to port it. They will tell investors if they met their financial targets or not. And If they met their target, they will tell investors "we expect to see further g
  12. The comparison is between the cost of FF launching on one system compared to if FF launched on multiple systems. Which would could more? Square launching on multiple or Square launching on one system. The Crux of your argument is that square SHOULD HAVE LAUNCHED ON multiple systems. My response was that they launched on one (which was cheaper than them launching on multiple) and they still got the same results as another big AAA that launched on 3 systems combined. They will eventually port it later down the road (which would cost less tha
  13. Yup, expensive as fuck to launch on ONE system. How much more development resources would it have taken for FF to launch on multiple systems? Launching on multiple would be even more expensive, they launched on one system and got great results.
  14. No dumbass. FF being on one system required less resources that if square launched FF on multiple platforms. They'll port it later on for cheaper which would be better for their ROI than launching multi-plat for a minimal increase in sales on Xbox and PC.
  15. Switch is on its last legs heading into year 8. Xbox is racing to the cliff and that system is only 3 years old and will fall of the cliff before Switch
  16. They said it was close, that FF on one system sold about the same about as/close to Dragon Dogma 2 did on 3 systems combined. That's not the victory you think it is @Remij. This actually validates Square's decision, they focused on one system, used lest resources (manpower, development time and $$) and basically got the same result on the charts as another big AAA game on 3 systems....but came out ahead ROI wise because less was invested.
  17. Well look at that. They openly admit their goal is to get Trump elected and for RJK to be a spoiler candidate for Joe Biden. Basically they know Trump doesn't have the popular vote or the electoral college. So their goal is to ensure that Biden doesn't get 270 electoral votes. Which would mean congress gets to choose who the next president is and they're banking on it being a republican congress. I mean if only well informed people had seen this play coming from a mile away....but Alas. @Cooke thoughts?
  18. Mk9 is on Vita and funny enough, this MK1 on Switch is akin to how Vita ran MK9 back in the day. A heavily stripped down version that's a bridge too far for the system. This is a next gen only game that they put on Switch... Lmfao. MK11 is on Switch and Ran and looked much better than this and apparently was very successful commercially for them. So they're back with this money grab port at fucking 70 dollars Their excuse for the price is they used the highest capacity cart but that BS because they could have just did what they did for 11.
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