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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Slow Jonny has no games to play so he is obsessing over me..... notice how im the only person he is responding to in this thread..... even though others posted "what are you playing" seek help sicko
  2. Tons of posters said "what are you playing? " in this thread.... for some reason.... slow Jonny ignored them all and only responded to me. His slow ass is obsessed... he can't help himself
  3. Slow Jonny getting mad because he can't answer about what he is playing
  4. What are you playing? Xbox1 is so dead he lists demos Have you tried to Exclusive dashboard update as yet?
  5. Daemon X Machina doesn't release until later this year..... I have the demo... according to slow Jonny that means I have the full game too Demo are games too, what are you playing?
  6. Slowly Jonny still can't answer what he is currently playing.... see
  7. Still can't answer..... seee Playing demos because you're in a drought deadbox1
  8. Demo's aren't full releases slow Jonny..... Xbox1 is in such a drought you're listing Demo's as full games You aren't playing the full release right now... WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING RIGHT NOW..... SEE YOU STILL CAN'T ANSWER!!!!
  9. Lmfao at you counting demos as full games Still can't answer.... see What other console is Pedro on?
  10. I see Slow Jonny still can't read. Which multiplat have I listed as exclusive? What are you playing?... see you still can't answer
  11. Can a mod add Panzer Dragoon Remake to my list in the OP.... I believe it releases Winter 2019 Another one!
  12. Lemmings : Switch will flop, no one wants Nintendo's systems 2 years later Lemmings : Switch shouldn't count because it's doesn't belong to this gen ....... its a handheld... no fair
  13. The lack of games to play broke him
  14. The leads are women who kills Nazis. The insecure right wing incels are triggered by this
  15. Yes... that's all true... Switch hasn't outsold PS4 yet for one year WW. PS4 has Europe on lock 🔒. The stats Matt listed are US only though and Switch outsold PS4 in the US last year. Without the slim and before the slim was announced, Switch was on pace to outsell PS4 WW this year with just the OG Switch alone. Even with the PS4 having an extra holiday launch aligned, PS4 and Switch US launch aligned Trajectory is very very close. PS4 and Switch battling it out.... while Xbox1 gets lapped by both
  16. Maybe we should be playing exclusive dash board updates on Xbox1
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