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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Turok 1 and 2 were godlike at the time of release. No other FPS games played like them. I had the ram pack for Turok 2... game was boss
  2. We're vacuuming the ghosts of dead lemmings Astral Chain.... Platinum Nintendo Switch Exclusive
  3. How could I forget... Panzer Dragoon Remake That's 12 bangers in a 6 months span
  4. Even before I watched the vidsI told him Scorpion moves are punishable..... he then uploads a video of him just sitting there not punishing the other player.. lol
  5. MS fucked you with Xbox1.... so bad you became a lemming
  6. Says the guy still waiting for an Xbox1 exclusive Banger.... 6 years and counting
  7. Scorpion moves have huge openings... git gud
  8. So that puts the bangers at... My Friend Pedro - June Mario Maker 2 - June Dragon Quest Builders 2 - July Fire Emblem - July Marvel UA3 - July Astral Chain - Aug Daemon X Machina - Sept Link's Awakening - Sept DQXI S - Sept Luigi's Mansion 3 - Oct Pokémon - Nov
  9. Im convinced you live under a rock Switch Mini and a Switch Pro next year had been the rumor for months
  10. Lmfao... ghostz is stupid...how so you confuse they're with Their? Samsung transitioned to an industry standard USB-C port..... whereas Apple used a proprietary port that only works on Apple devices. ( You need another dongle to use on a non Apple device). That was the real issue... Apple removed an industry standard port (the Jack) to replace it with something non standard and proprietary.
  11. You're assuming I mean cross gen big blockbusters like Cyberpunk. Those games won't run in Switch Pro. But guess what, those aren't the only games coming as cross gen games. Im referring to cross gen engines, APIs, indie games, mid level games etc.... referring support in general..... What also contributed to Switch's success is that it supports majority of industry standard tools, engines, APIs etc.... so yes while obviously the base Switch couldn't run games with the fidelity of a PS4.....it was still able to run it because the Switch supported those engines. In
  12. Lmfao.. slow Jonny comes in and posts old news About Switch Mini and Switch base refresh as if it's new news Switch 2 is not on the cards for a few more years.
  13. re read what I said.... Switch Pro is not getting PS5 ports. It will get ports of cross gen games that are on PS4. The "Next gen" Switch 2 is at least 2 to 3 years away They could either do a pro then a 2 later down the line.... or skip the pro completely and do the 2 later down the line.
  14. They will need a Switch Pro as a stop gap between 2020 and 2020. Regular Switch can't keep up within a reasonable margin to get t console games with PS5/XB2 for two years until a Switch 2....that would be suicide.
  15. Switch Pro =/= Switch 2. Switch Pro will just be to extend the current Switch lifespan for the beginning of next gen. First two years of Next gen will be all cross-gen games... so games will still be made with Base XB1/PS4 in mind... Switch 2 will probably hit by 2022 just in time for the non cross gen true next gen games that will be far and beyond what can be ported down to Switch 1. in the vid the Switch Pro talk starts at 14.20
  16. @lynux3 Watch from 14.20 mins.. he elaborates a bit about the pro. If it's still on track... it will be 2020 for the earliest.
  17. Only 24% of 3DS owners own a Switch. The Switch lite is going for that Market.
  18. that's not the pro. That's the same base Switch with slightly more efficient eternals. Most consoles get an internal refresh (think X one S, PS4 slim etc) but that's definitely not a mid gen refresh. The pro does exist though. (these tweets were posted a day before Nintendo officially announced the lite)..... on top of that Benji broke the news of the two models even before WSJ. He has insider knowledge from the US retail chain industry.
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