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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. So slow Jonny went from claiming that I said port.... took his slow ass few days to be able to read a sentence and realized I didn't say port. So now... he is claiming I implied it was a port.... maybe in another few days he will slowly read the rest of the posts and catch up to what was actually said.... slow ass motherfucker
  2. Niko - "We regularly have meetings with game company executives" DynamiteCop - No you don't, you're not an insider
  3. Niko - "covering all aspects of the games markets in China and Southeast Asia" "In-Market Analysts Our on the ground, native speaking analysts conduct all of our primary research: fielding surveys, talking to gamers, visiting events and venues, and regularly meeting with game company executives and government officials" DynamiteCop - no you don't do that, stop lying.... you guys aren't insiders.... you're low level pencil pushers
  4. A research firm in the videogames industry... my god you're stupid "Niko is the best single source for the highest quality and most reliable information covering all segments of the digital games market in Asia." DynamiteCop - no you do not
  5. Post the quote where I said port. Let's see if your slow ass finally learned to read today
  6. They are in the industry... 100% their clients are the software and hardware stake holders in the videogames industry. The product they produce is for the videogames industry. Niko partners - we're a videogames industry research firm. DynamiteCop - no you're not
  7. Oh look here comes slow Jonny This slow mother fucker still thinks I said port
  8. ... even your analogies are dumb. That would be akin to me saying a research firm is in the console hardware business and I didn't say that dummy I said they're in the videogames industry.
  9. it's a videogame market analysis firm that works in the industry you clown 🤡. He is not some random blogger who posts leaks.
  10. This firm solely works in the games industry. Does your dumbass think the games industry only compromises of developers, publishers and Hardware manufacturers?
  11. Direct from the his firm's website "We’ve helped game publishers, platforms, hardware makers in the West and in Asia understand and succeed in the world’s largest and fastest growing games markets." Bbbut he doesn't work in the industry
  12. He actually works in the industry you dolt. That makes him an insider.
  13. Just played 4 of his stages The options available in this sequel.. draws part 1
  14. Thanks bro His maker ID is: JVY-3W4-11H I'll follow him so I can see all his levels at once.
  15. This is a new low. Hyping random hires..... do you know hiw many people Switch jobs in the gaming industry every year? This what happens when lemmings have no exclusives to hype for 2019.... they hype... hires
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