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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The economic recovery in America post pandemic has been faster than everyone estimated...that inflation reduction act is doing work Ukraine aid is materials from the Military budget, none of that is related to consumers, the average Joe and the American Household.
  2. My 401K is up over 16% this past month alone and over 13% past 12 months
  3. Cooke is boasting about talk shows and podcasts
  4. They stick out because they're the outliers in the Republican party on Ukraine. That's called a vocal minority that is trying to sway other Republicans to support the aid. On the democratic side its 100% support for Ukraine... There's no democrat in congress that needs convincing. So again.. Stop the delusion.
  5. Another month another block buster jobs report.... Too much wining Record low unemployment, block buster Jobs report and lowest inflation in all of G7.
  6. That's just under 1/3 of house Republicans... Do you know what splintered means? Only 68% of house Republicans support the aid. Meanwhile... 100% of house Democrats voted in support of the aid. So like I said... Stop the delusions that Republicans are the most vocal ones in support of the Aid.
  7. @Twinblade Just like I said, stop the delusion. That's 70 house Representatives.... 70 that want ALL AIDE TO UKRAINE stopped... Yikes.
  8. Man you come out swinging and missing years later with more stupid posts
  9. While RFK was getting owned by Peirs Morgan, Biden was in Lithuania leading the strongest coalition of western leaders on the world stage... With the keynote speach at the NATO conference You can't wait for the debates? I can't wait for Biden to curb stomp Trump at the presidential debates again... And Trump will run away from the last two debates just like he did in 2020 after Joe beat him in the first debate
  10. Stop the delusion. The Republicans are splintered on Ukraine vs Russia. Trump who is far and away the leading GOP presidential candidate , his MAGA cult, MAGA house Representatives and senators all are pro Russia in this conflict. I know it burns your soul that Biden and the democrats are on the right side of history with this
  11. Even piers Morgan is calling out RFK's lies and BS
  12. You're back with this narrative again? The one's who are pushing the pro- Russian agenda are afraid of Putin... Aka the Republicans Under Biden's leadership NATO has never been stronger. Ukraine is pretty much going to be allowed to join NATO once this conflict is over..... A direct defiance of what Putin wants bbbbbut he is scared of Putin
  13. Cooke's grandma showing us where he got his information from. "they're all Nazis I swear"
  14. Russia is at its weakest and NATO is now at its strongest.. Finland Joined and Turkey gave the okay for Sweeden to join.
  15. Florida home owners pay on average 3X home insurance compared to the rest of the country. It's about to get worse... Another insurance company is leaving Florida due to Ron Dentists not securing certain measures for insurance companies last year. This is the 4th national insurance company to pull out of Florida because Ron DeSantis dropped the ball once again. This is why the law existed where current governors were forbidden to run for president while being governor....you end up neglecting your state and focusing on the election.
  16. Ramza - "Bbbut she was rude to Trump " Also Ramza - "Stay mad that he insulted her, Idgaf " Talk about hypocritical
  17. As I thought, you're talking in general out your ass about a specific situation you have no clue about. You couldn't even take 2 seconds to read up on what we were discussing and predictably doubled down on further embarrassing yourself
  18. Bbbut she asked him a question and when he lied she called him out on it.... How rude of her!!! What a bunch of snowflakes
  19. I was watched it.... Im asking you again to SPECIFICALLY STATE how she was rude. Do you know what specific means? Repeating she was rude is not specific. Give examples to back up your talking points for ONCE.
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