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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Bro... Rouge Squadron did things at launch that was leagues ahead of PS2... you can't be serious right now. Watch DFs retro video on it.... they talk about Rouge from 18.37 Some key points form the video. "Now this is a technical tour de force" 1) At the time on a CRT television the visuals were SHOCKINGLY FILM LIKE,............ high quality textures and assets on all vehicles. 2) Incredibly high Triangle count for it's time (highest of the gen until RE4)* 3) Full Self shadowing on ALL objects. 4)
  2. Metroid Prime at launch was leagues better looking than anything on PS2 and it ran at a locked 60fps on top of that too. All you are doing is proving Aza's point that some people actually believed the PS2 was stronger..... even though a freaking launch game on GCN ended up looking better than the PS2's entire library
  3. a GC launch game looks better than both those two games for crying out loud Just off the top of my head. RE-make RE4 Metroid Prime MGS Twin Snakes Rouge Leader Star Fox Adventures Soul Caliber II all looked better
  4. A GC launch game (Rouge Leader) ended that from the Jump. Only delusional people argued that.
  5. Well we're discussing things that fell off a cliff... both you and Xbox fit the description
  6. Bro... you were posting Growth numbers from NPD..... MS wasn't releasing growth numbers Monthly. GTFO with that BS. DAT GROWTH
  7. He was so adamant that Smash sales were front loaded too ...... He then compounded it to by saying Pokémon would bomb at retail..... fucking Pokémon of all things
  8. If only NPD provides growth decline numbers each month.... if only.... Oh wait they do
  9. Switch is weaker and outsold Xbox1 from DAY 1 X was supposed to DOMINATE remember? Pro was a mistake remember?
  10. In general COD has outsold Halo. The top selling game every year for the last decade has been COD (Except when GTA or RDR2 released)
  11. COD on Xbox1 alone will outsell Infinite on Xbox1 alone. COD on Scarlett will outsell Halo on Scarlet.
  12. You think Halo Infinite will outsell COD by greater than 2:1?
  13. DynamiteCop is Hilarious. He went from saying 1) The "novelty" of Switch will wear off in it's first year, ITS THE ONLY LOGICAL OUTCOME!!! 2) It won't sell without a price drop. IT'S NOT A HOT ITEM ANYMORE, MY LOCAL BEST BUY AND TARGET STORE SHELVES PROVES THIS 10000000% 3) It's going to fall of a cliff after holiday 2017. NO ONE WILL WANT ONE AFTER ODDESSY!! To now saying.... "of course it's selling because the other two are on its way out" Now mind you Switch has been outselling Xbox1 from
  14. Woah.. slow down buddy... no one asked you what Aza thoughts or posts Talking about what you said...... sooooo you never said don't believe Booty?
  15. Just last week you were saying don't believe Booty... this week... you believe him again
  16. No more Heroes 3 Panzer Dragoon Remake Luigi's Mansion 3 Daemon X Machina
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