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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. this is the same guy that thought AAA games would be out in a year.... he is. clueless about dev cycles
  2. He had an entire thread saying digital had surpassed physical in Europe.... once I posted that data that showed otherwise (they used Fifa as an example).... he claimed they only ment fifa... and he had been but hurt ever since. it spilled over in this thread months later
  3. Project much? So once I bump and quote the instances you said as much.... are you going to argue against yourself or call yourself a liar?
  4. This guy is seriously sitting here saying he didn't say that
  5. that's a cut scene of a last gen game on Scarlett.... its not gameplay
  6. and the data shows that Physical is still more than digital. Don't try to spin your argument... you have been trying to push the narrative that digital has surpassed physical.. when it hasn't. Digital has increased yes.... but it's still less than physical.
  7. @jehurey NPD with the tweet to shut down the Bullshit @DynamiteCop! continues to try to peddle. So not only did I shut down his digital greater than physical BS for Europe...... I just shut it down for North America as well
  8. DynamiteCop argues against extrapolating in this thread.... he then proceeds to extrapolate in this very same thread
  9. where are you getting that number from?.... your ass I bet. Also what asinine qualifier are you applying to achieve that number?
  10. Pro gets more 3rd party games and more 1st party games than X. Stop the foolishness
  11. that doesn't mean both are launching same year. Could be fall for Mini and Spring for pro.
  12. You're back to saying dumb shit again. Xbox1 does not have more games than PS4 and definitely doesn't have better 1st party support.
  13. Nintendo won't launch it like that.
  14. Man... you sure do live in an alternative reality The amount of dumb shit you spew. Jeez and then you get mad when people use the dumb shit you say against you. pro tip... stop saying dumb shit.
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