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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Don't deflect... You were talking about paying to upgrade to the new console version of the same game on Wiiu. Sony is charging you 10 dollars to upgrade to the PS5 version..... Thought you loved that narrative? Let me use your the other narrative you're rolling with... Customer buys the digital version of a PS3 Sony first party game when they had a PS3. Sony is now charging you a subscription fee to play that game on PS5... Not even natively but via streaming. You're paying again to play a game you paid for already and ow
  2. Wait they banned the pizza ovens? Wtf... Let me read the article..... Oh wait... it's a filter they have to install on the oven's exhaust... Here I thought they banned it. I was almost fake outaged for no reason.. Luckily I actually read the article.
  3. Biden led from start to finish in the primaries... You were watching right wing media that claimed Tulsi had a great chance...no wonder you're confused Biden curb stomped Trump in person at the denates... While campaigning from his basement it seems ... Biden can be two places at once it seems... Remember when Trump was making fun of Biden's socially distanced covid campaign stops? Because Trump's were bigger with no restrictions and he used that to say he wss more popular... Oh wait Guess Biden was doing those nationwide campaign stops from his basement
  4. Ummm Sony did charge you to upgrade to the PS5 version. So going by your narrative... "they withheld PS5 functionality and enhancements unless you paid an extra $10 per game" Sony to charge $10 for PS4 to PS5 game upgrades Sony has confirmed it will charge $10 for players who upgrade from PS4 to PS5 editions of first-party titles, with the exception of the upcoming Horizon Forbidden West. You wouldn't know this because you don't own a PS5 TLHBO is clueless and wrong as fuck as always.
  5. No you weren't charged to transfer games. You had an option to upgrade to the Wiiu version of the game for one dollar. I played my full Wii library on Wiiu without paying a cent..... I know you hate it when reality doesn't line up with your narrative
  6. Biden's infrastructure bill is doing work all over the nation Republicans taking credit for it but won't mention the bill by name or own up to the fact that they voted to block it..
  7. You have gone off the deep end for real... So you're saying he was campaigning from his basement yet somehow crushed everyone elseon stage at the primaries?... Is he omnipresent? He is the incumbent President he does not have to be primaried as shown by over 90 something percent of all American presidents. The one that's really running scared is Trump... He hasn't attended a debate since Biden curb stomped him in the Presidential debates..... That clown is still traumatized
  8. Of course the GOP will have a debate without Trump... Because the GOP doesn't currently have an incumbent president doofus. Also... Didn't Biden crush Tulsi, yang etc and all the democrats in the primary debates? And Pretty sure the in the Presidential debate Biden moped the floor with Trump so badly that Trump dick tucked and pulled out the last two debates
  9. That's cuz Xbox tucked it's dick like ghostz did to avoid this thread.
  10. How anti-democracy of him..Cooke must be up in arms about this... Nah who am I kidding he doesn't give a shit.
  11. Great AAA exclusives can literally carry your platform... Lmfao at lemmings who bought into Phil's BS of Bbbbbbut 1st party exclusives don't matter
  12. PS5 and Switch saw double digit growth combined (PS5 had triple digit growth on its own, while Switch had double digit growth) Those two systems are literally carrying the ENTIRE videogame market .. Meanwhile... Negative growth for Xbox PC and mobile also deciled Zelda charted #1 with only physical sales being counted. It's also the #2 best selling games of the year across all platforms COMBINED.... again this is With only physical being counted for Zelda. It's safe to say with digital included Zelda on Switch alone
  13. The Republicans Reality is turning into a real life meme.
  14. Picked this up again to find all the shrines and do side missions and side Adventures. This game is so jammed packed with content it feels like the DLC for this game was included at launch.
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