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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. FYI.. just posting leaks =/= im. interested or hyping this game. Just pointing out the leaks have begun and will ramp up as this week goes on.
  2. Can Guarantee you Switch will have more exclusives announced and shown at e3 than Xbox1 has had all gen
  3. It's based on actual digital data that has become available publicly You just love to get raped on the same topic over and over don't you
  4. The vast majority of sales of Witcher 3 on PC was digital. Almost 45% of the the game totals sales in 3 years have been on PC. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why for this one game that digital was more than retail given the fact it sold almost 50% of its entire sales on PC. That in no way reflects the digital adoption rate on consoles...yes digital is increasing but overall it's still between 20 to 25 percent of total sales per game compared to physical.
  5. That includes the 100% digital for PC..... physical is still the majority on consoles.
  6. First up... Watch Dog legion. You can play as any NPC you recruit in the game. "Play as anyone, Every individual you meet in the open world, has a full set of animations, voice over, character traits and visuals that are generated & guided by gameplay systems"
  7. Here he is back with the XCloud Strawman... he keeps bringing up this fabricated deflection
  8. You spent 95% of your time in this thread displaying your how clueless you are about consumer facing businesses and services for other businesses.... by conflating the two. the other 5% was you deflecting to xcloud and fabricated me begging for Xbox1 games... Yuck!! then you finally owned yourself by arguing against something you brought up. Now that you have failed you resort to non posts like the one above... marvelous
  9. Remij brings up XCloud..... then argues against himself that XCloud is not the same as Azure.... effectively owning himself for bringing up XCloud Nothing else need to be said on that ... you owned yourself.
  10. laughing at lemmings because MS is going 3rd party =/= begging for it. It's called having fun at your expense
  11. After all that self ownage you just displayed this is the best made up response you could muster?
  12. By that same logic every venture MS doesn't venture in is because they can't.. lol..... why do you always argue against your own points
  13. bbbbut Bro but if you outsource instead of doing it internally it means your business is poor
  14. Begging was your own idiot fanboy terminology that I used against you. The same insiders that leaked the streaming news.. leaked that MS asked EVERYONE about XCloud being on their platform. You turn into such a tool when you get called out for posting stupid shit
  15. The part I highlighted speaks to the point that YOU ARE MISSING. Those cloud services are for other businesses... AKA corporations like Sony, Netflix, Hulu etc are their customers. Blocking Sony would be bad for business as other corporations wouldn't want to do business with you in fear you would block them one day. If those cloud providers have no customers (other corporations)... they would be pushed out the cloud services business. That's how business work... not every division of a business is consumer facing.
  16. He probably thinks that MS would cut out windows services from Nintendo and Sony too because MS has a gaming division
  17. MS is the one begging for partners for their XCloud service Remij is clueless as fuck.... comparing consumer facing to services for other businesses
  18. You are clueless to how businesses work it seems. All these "ifs, but they could if they wanted".... it's not smart business for them to do it.. that's why they haven't ventured in it. I guess the hardware components in Azure that MS is dependent on other businesses for means that "if no one does business with them they would die"
  19. On the consumer facing end of cloud gaming ... Sony will be MS biggest competitor... that's the point. You are comparing apples to oranges.
  20. says the guy who doesn't know the difference between consumer facing business and services for other businesses.
  21. Sony could.. but it won't be smart business. It would take years to build up that infrastructure. Same with MS... they could start making CPUs, GPUs, Storage, power supplies, mother boards, RAM modules, IO devices etc.... but it would take years to catch up to the industry leaders in those fields, investing billions to lose billions is not smart business bro....... so instead they depend on other businesses to provide these components for them.
  22. No they can't develop it from the ground up with their own components because they do not have the factories, engineers, divisions, patents or market share in those fields. They would take a huge loss if they did..... spend billions to lose billions... lol hence why businesses carefully decide which markets they create new ventures in. Instead of MS building the components themselves... they use other well established businesses to provide the components for them. That's how business works. Sony choosing Azure simply means they got a better deal than wha
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