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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Like I said.. your lack of self awareness is astounding. When it comes to data... you try to extrapolate to match what you FEEL it should be... that's why you constantly get owned when it comes to math and data. How many countless times has your data analysis been wrong?.... You got beat down so much you finally gave up on doing data analysis on this board. What does fuck does left or right have to do with this?.... but since you want to go there... you're so far extreme right.... everyone on this board can be considered leaning left compared to your ass.
  2. this what @DynamiteCop!doesn't get. With the resolutions and effects we're getting from Pro and X.... performance means more now because we're getting great image quality regardless. a 4K Juddery slide slow is not objectively better than 1440p locked 60fps.
  3. performance of a videogame taking a priority over image quality is not an opinion. Video games are an interactive medium.... you're not just sitting there staring an still screen shots. The fact that you thought X would run most games in native 4K.... thought that devs would put all Their resources behind X.... when it's market position ( selling like shit... has a smaller user base than base X, 1S, Base PS4, Pro and Switch) doesnt justify devs maximizing games for X. For crying out loud... even MS has yet to put out a Marque showcase game for X
  4. You're straight up lying now. When DF had the exclusive reveal of X... you loved them. When they pointed out the X enhanced games... you loved them. When they said RDR2 was best on X.. you loved them. But.... Once X started to loose some comparisons to Pro..... that's when you turned on them.... you expected EVERY SINGLE GAME to be better in X.... and now that reality did shape out how you thought it would..... and you can't deal with it
  5. Any time they dont say Xbox version is the best... you say their conclusions are meaningless...... but when they say the Xbox version is the best.. all of a sudden their conclusions are legit? What Analysis tools have you used to analyze these games? Have you played all versions to compare them? Have you professionally analyzed games for years? Conclusion.... Shut the fuck up you biased cunt
  6. More hopes and dreams from you retailers get sku listing waaaaaay before public reveals.
  7. DynamiteCop trying to change Digital Foundry's conclusions. They straight up say in the vid that 1s is the worse version because of how bad the performance is...
  8. DF: Switch version's performance more consistently and more stable than Xbox1S......we prefer to play on Switch than on Xbox1s.......... Impressive. note*full PS4/Pro analysis was done in a separate video. p Quick Summary; Assets are the same in all versions Xbox1X: Native 4K.... targets 60fps.... inconsistent frame rate..drops to 50s and 40s....DF notes developer should drop res to get stable performance. Xbox1s : 900p... targets 60fps... fluctuates amd drops to the mid 30s....framerate all over the place... stut
  9. Hey retard, did you miss the controller add on in the XCloud video?... Some games will require a controller add on. Unless you expect to be playing games that need precision controls with a touch screen only No it will not consume the same amount as a YouTube video you clown 🤡 Streaming games requires constant input and feedback from the user to control thier characters... How do you think you will interact with the game?..... your inputs have to be sent back to the server... EVERY MOVEMENT of the a analog stick and every press of a button.
  10. Yes... free to play candy crush casuals will purchase a controller add on and purchase a subscription to stream AAA games to their smartphones
  11. I still think MK1 and MK2 are better at the time of release..... but MK11 is the best version since those two.
  12. Best MK game in years.... the lore in this is great if you're an MK Fan. They got rid of all the silliness from MK5 through 10
  13. What metric are you using to gauge the XCloud hype?
  14. Yea he is a bitch.....always running away when reality slaps him in his face
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