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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. What do you mean and NATO needs to uphold security in Europe themselves? The US is included in NATO. The US is a part of that equation because its serves our interest.
  2. Do some independent research for once in your life and get back to me. Look up how many Primary challenges to an incumbent president occurred all time. Now look up now many those Primary challengers won. Now look up how many of those incompbent Presidents who had a Primary challenger go on to win re-election. RFK is a spoiler candidate. The GOP knows they can't win against Biden strait up.
  3. No retard, you're claiming no primary for an incumbent president means no democracy. When it doesn't mean that as shown by the FACTS. AHH ao you didn't care about democracy as you put it before 2024....So you're a hypocrite just like I thought... Glad you admitted it. And RFK Jr isn't a serious candidate....he is a Manchurian candidate meant to splinter the democrats and so that the GOP can regain the presidency.
  4. Nah it's you who don't know the system. Incompbent Presidents (over ninety something percent) do not get primaried. It's curious how all of a sudden for 2024 you're gung ho about this yet all other elections you didn't say a peep. Why is that?
  5. No it's not a testing ground for old ass weapons that were already used over a decade ago. America won't even use those weapons they gave Ukraine if America was in direct conflict. The weaponry America have at our disposal right now is generations ahead of what they gave Ukraine. And those weapons aren't being used for this conflict. This conflict has shown that Russia isn't actually a super power... They were supposed to be the world's 2nd best army? Pathetic.
  6. Bro you're dense beyond words.... The fact that it kept Russia in check for decades means it was/is working. How stupid are you? It's a deterrent. Like I said you're using the same stupid logic Trump used to disband the pandemic prevention/ response team and remove the ban om gain of function research..... Bbbbut we don't need it because we haven't had a pandemic in a century. The point is to prevent it..
  7. First off, Ukraine is not getting America's best weapons, not even it's 2nd or 3rd best..... Second of all... No American soldiers will be taking part of this conflict as Ukraine is not a NATO nation and the US is not in a direct war with Russia.
  8. You're talking in circles with circular logic.... First you said NATO is a dinosaur..... Now you're saying Putin wouldn't attack any NATO nation... That's the fucking point of NATO dumbass
  9. If you're not contesting my argument what the point of what you're saying?.... Oh yea you're just contesting shit I never said. NATO wasn't a dinosaur you imbecile. Putin would not dare to invade a NATO nation and that's the point.... The fact that would never do that because he knows he would get instantly curb stomped proved that it's working.. It's a deterrent... That's the same retarded logic Trump took when he disbanded the pandemic response team and removed the ban on gain of function research in 2018. Bbbbbbut we're wasting money in pr
  10. No, everyone didn’t see NATO as a dinosaur... Only Trump..all his senior staff told him as much that NATO is still very much needed. And yes.. Glad you agree Trump wanted to pull out of NATO just like I need.
  11. That was his plan to gain public support for pulling out of NATO... First claim we're playing too much then say it's obsolete and pull out. Trump's own national security advisor said Trump wanted to do it..... Trump himself said he was musing the idea during his first term... And his aides, defense sectary and national security advisor said he would have done it if he was re-elected in 2020. "National Security Advisor John Bolton says 'Putin was waiting' for Trump to withdraw the United States from NATO in his second term" "He p
  12. Cooke you're as dumb as rocks.... You claimed for years that Biden is some powerful all Mighty war monger who wants to take us into perpetual wars and maybe even WWIII... but now you're saying he is an inept old buffoon... Who Putin thought was weak and wouldn't do anything about it.... Which is it? As far as Trump is concerned.. Did you forget Trump got impeached for withholding aide to Ukraine unless they fabricate lies against Biden? Trump wanted the US to pull out of NATO with the ultimate goal NATO disbanding ... That was his goal.
  13. Recently? He's been like this for 3 to 4 years.
  14. What im saying is... if it wasn't for Kinect 360 wouldn't have sold over 80 million. 360 at one point was doing Wii like numbers for almost 2 years which led it to catch up. PS3 did eventually slighty edge out 360, but if it wasn't for Kinect it wouldn't have been that close to begin with. My overall point is MS is lying about their first two consoles,they did decent enough.... Its the Xbox1 and the Series S/X that have been an unmitigated disaster.
  15. Kinect is what gave 360 a HUGE sales boom towards the end of its life cycle.
  16. MS is exaggerating. It's true that they never came first, but their first two consoles did decent enough. The OG Xbox came 2nd and the 360 basically tied for 2nd with the PS3. It's their last two consoles the Xbox 1 and the series S/X that are getting totally DOMINATED by Sony and Nintendo. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel because apparently Sony and Nintendo will abandon their ultra successful models and copy MS's business model
  17. Cooke contradicts himself all the time because he can't make an independent thought if his life depended on it.
  18. MS has the right approach, don't release any games
  19. Nintendo is evil because everyone wants to play their games lol
  20. It's not about canceling an order... Lol They're talking about canceling your prime account all together.
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