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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. They didn't put all that work into bringing the engine up to modern standards and rebuilding all those assets for MP1 on Switch... Just for one project. It might be cross gen like BOTW was but there will be a Switch version.
  2. That's what announced so far... They always hold another direct in Sept and drop some bombs there too.
  3. 100 hrs, 92 Shrines and 90 Korok seeds later finally finished the main campaign.... What an epic adventure And yet there's still so much more to see and do..I have 60 shrines left and tons of side adventures and side quests to complete. Will get back to this game and finish all the content later in the year.
  4. Charged with Sex trafficking, human trafficking and kidnapping
  5. Cooke it's quite obvious you had no clue who RFK was until he declared to run.. He has been a loon. You like his Ukraine stance and his Covid-19 conspiracy BS. So you ignore everything about him from his conspiracy about wifi, to his theory that 5G started covid and all the other crack pot BS he spews
  6. You can go read the report on the 5 year investigation by the US attorney Trump appointed to investigated Hunter..... Nah who am I fooling you don't read
  7. Your lack or self awareness is astounding It's been over a decade and you haven't read past a headline.. How many times you have posted a story and it doesn't say what you think it is because you never read it? How many studies you posted that you never read? When have you actually researched anything? Everything you post is spoon fed to you. When have you ever done any critical analysis? I've read the Twitter Files and anyone with a functioning brain saw the BS that it was because it never backed up it's claims...
  8. I doubt. Switch is still selling like hotcakes so they won't want late gen console hardware purchasers to decide to hold out until next year. They're not going to mention the new system until January next year for an April launch...that's my guess. I would be pleasantly surprised if they dropped the name or code name tomorrow.
  9. On getting your information from random edited YouTube videos. Lol
  10. Someone points out it's fake info that has been edited....and you double down. Never change Ramza.. Lol
  11. So after a 5 year investigation, by Trump's US attorney into the hunter Biden laptop and alleged wrong doing in China and Ukraine.... Turns out he paid his taxes late in 2017 and 2018....and also lied on a gun application.
  12. Are you are stupid? Wait of course you are Elon musk's Lawyers went to court and before a federal Judge basically stated that it was a nothing Burger and that the claims made by the Twitter are just that claims. When it was time to actually put up actual facts in a court of law.... Elon and his team said they had no facts. So you're saying Elon musk, Mr Twitter files himself... Had his lawyers lie and say it was all BS? .... Wouldn't he want to present the facts and files to the courts to back up his claims? Elon musk and
  13. Awaiting the NRA to run to his defense any minute now for the DOJ Infringing on his 2nd amendment rights to own a gun......... Lol
  14. The journalists went through cherry picked files that were used to try to frame a narrative and the mistake Matt made was not doing his due diligence on what Elon gave him. Both Journalists eventually saw the light and exited the Twitter Files project. Elon lawyers admitted in court it was all bullshit. The end.
  15. It gets better.... RFK has also pushed the 5G covid conspiracy..... Remember that dumb shit when those retards were saying the virus isn't real and it's all 5G waves causing it..... Fucking dung fucks. This guy is a crack pot who is dung as rocks... No wonder Cooke loves him
  16. You're still going on about the Twitter Files? Elon and his lawyers already admitted it was BS. Yet you're still hanging on to the shit?
  17. No wonder Cooke likes RFK. When in reality Russia doesn't want peace they want surrender.
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