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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Lmfao DynamiteCop actually thinks HE decides what a resident Evil game is. Shinji Mikami the creator of the Resident Evil series? Pfffft... what does he know? .... DynamiteCop knows more about what makes it a resident evil game than him
  2. My PS4 exclusive comment is a response to this Gem from DynamiteCop. MY comments are more related to how exclusives sell hardware... not really commenting on software sales because these games will sell regardless. I agree with you that the sales would be split if Xbox wasn't a flop and then the PS4 wouldn't see such a huge hardware bump from the release of these two games. But since they're effectively exclusive to PS4 because Xbox1 is a non factor and there was no Switch release, PS4 hardware got a nice huge bump this week.
  3. Now you're being purposely obtuse Japan: where multiplat form game on Switch and PS4 sell similarly and Xbox is a non factor. No Switch release and no XB1 physical release effectively make the PS4 version an exclusive.
  4. You answered your own question. The games are effectively PS4 exclusives in Japan. Exclusives sells consoles. More BREAKING news at 11pm stay tuned.
  5. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2019-kingdom-hearts-3-plays-best-at-60fps
  6. Bro in Japan for AAA games, no physical release on XB1 effectively makes the PS4 versions exclusive in Japan. Hence the huge hardware sales bump for PS4 when both games released.
  7. Mark, Bill and Steve are exemptions not the rule and even under the tax accountability changes it won't stop people from becoming self made billionaires and millionaires... It's like you guys are purposely missing the point. There are tons of millionaires and billionaires that aren't paying their share of taxes. Some of them literally pay little to no taxes. This puts a bigger burden of taxes on regular folks like all of us on this board. No matter how rich you are, you should not be exempt from paying taxes.
  8. Physical Versions (NOTE: In Japan, there are no physical versions for Xbox One)
  9. In Japan for AAA games no retail release makes it an exclusive to PS4. Region free access =/= a release for that region.
  10. @Ramza while I agree that console gaming is not dead in Japan..... the PS4 numbers will go back down next week.
  11. There is no Japanese release for KHIII or Re2 Remake for Xbox1.
  12. RE2 Remake and KH3 are exclusive to PS4 in Japan
  13. says the guy who's first RE game wasn't even the original Wait... who likes RE4 and only similar games?
  14. oh its in the closet now? So because you and DynamiteCop game on an X.... the millions of people who don't... no longer exist?
  15. remember those two consoles don't exist despite the vast majority of lemmings gaming on them
  16. Bro... your analogy of the original creator going back and messing up the original game deosnt apply to RE...... Mikami went back and made possibly the best game in the entire series with Re remake Mikami worked on the original RE, RE4 and was responsible for RE Remake. He also mentored Kameya on RE2 as it was Kameya's first time directing and if you ever heard Kameya talk about RE 2 you would hear him say how instrumental Mikami was in guiding him while he directed the game.. So basically the original creator had a hand in arguably the top 3 games in the f
  17. Yup first time you fought the; Chain Saw Guy - closes the space between you and him quickly, follows you throughout doors. The Blind Wolverine Claw guy - (you're in an enclosed area and running alerts him) The exoskeleton creature that stalked you in the sewers. Just a few that I remember off the top of my head.
  18. Difference is RE4 is a seller game through and through. The 2nd star wars trilogy while not up to the original trilogy are still real star wars movies.
  19. I love it when fans think they know what's a "real RE game" more so than the original creators of the franchise
  20. im in between the both of you. While I agree I don't think we're at a level where a portable can match a PS5 day 1 both launch the same year. But the Switch while weaker than Xbox1 and PS4... is the closest a portable has gotten to a current Gen console in the modern era. So next gen, if Sony wants they can probably get closer to a PS5 than how close a Switch is to Xbox1/PS4 relatively speaking. But the issue is.... Compatibility... I don't think AMD has any mobile chips with the low power consumption needed for a parable.....and if the software is not directly c
  21. they may explore a hybrid, but this rumor says it will play PS5 games.. lol
  22. Compatible with select PS3/PS Vita titles, all PS4 titles and future PS5 titles This sounds like a pipe dream.
  23. You thinking some jews who don't identify as white somehow makes all Jews not white
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