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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Trump hasn't even touched the 20% of the almost 2 billion he got to enhance the current border wall.....almost a year now ... lied and said they used it to extend the wall..... nothing was done. Measly 5 billion? I thought Mexico was supposed to pay that Bill?.... oh wait... that was a lie too.
  2. He left essential government areas running....It was a partial shutdown. Trump doesn't even want to do that.....Trump shut down areas that have nothing to do with the wall. We're a month into this.... LONGEST SHUT DOWN IN AMERICAN HISTORY.
  3. Let's ignore the fact that it's federal crime to do so for a second... let's also ignore the fact that it's collusion for a second.... let's ignore all of that... lol polling data to influence the election to install a puppet president who currently is weakening America's international relations with its allies, strengthening Russia position, slowly destroying American institutions, Nuclear peace deals are done with..... now both Iran and North Korea are building up their Nukes, Isreal is doing whatever the fuck they want..... they just killed an American Journalist...then high f
  4. Cyber warfare is the new espionage in the modern is age.
  5. In the UK* The game debuts at No.9. 49 per cent of sales were for the Nintendo Switch version, 43 per cent on PS4 and the rest (8%) coming on Xbox One. 8% on XB1? Yikes
  6. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/pokemon-lets-go-pikachu-and-lets-go-eevee-review/1900-6417036/ Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu And Let's Go Eevee AAE Twice and Sold great Twice according to DynamiteCop logic!!! NSMB Wiiu and Switch version has two separate pages and two separate review scores. Different game confirmed according to DynamiteCop logic. You self-own yourself no matter which version of your dumbass logic you choose.
  7. Using DynamiteCop's logic - Pokémon Let's go counts as two AA games confirmed!!! Using his logic it also sold well TWICE!!!!! so he is doubly owned for saying it won't sell well I love it when your dumbass argues against your own logic.
  8. Seriously bro... this is getting beyond retarded The Pokémon content is accessible and playable in any version of the game. Do you not understand how Pokémon games work? NSMB Switch content cannot be played on Wiiu in any shape or form. Using your own logic (not mine, but your autistic logic) that makes NSMB a new game. The most hilarious thing about this is that you are using 21 year old damage control simply because you were wrong about Pokémon not selling well. You would rather look like a colossal dumb ass than admit you were
  9. Those Pokémon are accessible in both versions you dense ox..... NSMB Switch content is not accessible on Wiiu... By your own Autistic logic... its a different game. Carry on bro.... hope you enjoy contradicting and arguing with yourself and against your own logic
  10. This fool is autistic for real... he actually made visual aids (incorrectly at that)... in order to show us how self owned he is
  11. What's hilarious is that you are calling YOUR OWN LOGIC DUMB WHILE BEING WRONG AND ARGUING AGAINST YOUR OWN LOGIC Bro for the last fucking time.... ALL THE CONTENT IN THE POKÉMON GAMES ARE AVAILABLE IN BOTH VERSIONS AT RELEASE. The added content to NSMB on Switch makes it a different game ACCORDING TO YOUR LOGIC. That's your logic you are arguing against not mine
  12. Apparently DynamiteCop does... this fool just immortalized his self ownage
  13. Your info graphic self owned you.... You said it's two separate games because of the content that is not accessible between versions.... which is incorrect because with Pokémon its the ssme game anf you can access the same content no matter which version. Whereas on NSMB Switch.... using your own dumbass logic of content between versions makes the Switch version a different game. Your own logic contradicts your dumbass
  14. So again by your dumbass logic of saying Pokémon is two separate games because of the content (which by the way is wrong because you can access all the content) NSMB Switch version is also a separate game (by your own logic) because the content in the Switch version is not accessible to the Wiiu version. Whereas with Pokémon you can access all content no matter which version you purchase because its the same game. Owned by your own dumbass logic and incorrect info graphic 21 years later and DynamiteCop is still getting owned by his ign
  15. You're contradicting yourself by calling Pokémon two separate games when it's actually the same game. You're effectively now arguing against that... which was your own logic
  16. Base PS4 avg 40 FPS 1080p Base Xbox1 avg 30fps 1080p - DF considers this build might be the same as the EGX build (including timer) - All (console) versions include filmic motion blur, SSR, heaps of volumetric lighting etc. - XB Base and PS4 Base: Final output 1080p. XB One version is reconstructing from lower resolution, not native. - Both Pro and XBX running at 1620p with elements of reconstruction on both. - PS4 Pro has 'chunkier' SSR and DoF effects - PC version has a 'frankly amazing' graphics option. - Alex mentions to ignore the PC VRAM usage statist
  17. You're not arguing with me because that's not my stance... you're arguing against your own logic
  18. You missed Mc Wicked's reference. He is referring to DynamiteCop saying that Pokémon games shouldn't be counted as one game because they release two versions of the game at launch with different starter Pokémon at the different starter Pokémon makes it a different game. He argued for pages and pages and pages... simply because he didn't want to admit that he was wrong about how Pokémon would sell on Switch. So He wanted to divide the sales into two different SKU's. FFwd to today.... using DynamiteCop's logic NSMBU Switch version is a different game beca
  19. Bro your logic was "different content, different Sku = Different game". DynamiteCop arguing against his own logic
  20. and apparently living on SW is one of them.. lol
  21. Jennifer and Autistic Cop both want to forget traumatic experiences
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