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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You call that a bombshell?... lmfao Hold this Nuke Bbbut the Democrats 1. Trump 2017 and 2018 budgets. President Trump’s first budget, unveiled in May 2017, had money specifically designated ‘to construct a physical wall along the southern border,’ as part of a $2.6 billion border security plan, which included extra border patrol and immigration agents. In the President’s second budget plan issued in February of 2018, the Trump Administration again had what the White House labeled “critical investments” in border security to combat illegal immigratio
  2. I already posted where they approved 1.6 billion for the Southern Boarder wall... TWICE. Bro you can't be that dense.... oh wait... you are
  3. most GOP lawmakers backed away from possible bipartisan immigration compromises
  4. "there were certainly opportunities for Republicans at several points to win as much as $25 billion for the border while the GOPwas in charge of Congress in 2017 and 2018"
  5. in case you missed it. "the GOP Congress never really came close to approving billions of dollars for the wall, though there were certainly opportunities for Republicans at several points to win as much as $25 billion for the border while the GOP was in charge of Congress in 2017 and 2018 – but those efforts failed as most GOP lawmakers backed away from possible bipartisan immigration compromises." lol
  6. You missed the part where they shut down started under a republican house and Senate that had two years to do it and didn't back the wall
  7. It falls on the democrats feet for a shutdown called under a republican house and senate It also falls on the democrats that the Republicans already rejected two options to reopen the government.
  8. "Senate Republicans blocked a House-passed package to reopen the federal government for a second time in as many weeks on Tuesday. Democratic Sens. Chris Van Hollen (Md.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) asked for consent to take up a package of bills that would reopen the federal government. One bill would fund the Department of Homeland Security through Feb. 8, while the other would fund the rest of the impacted departments and agencies through Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year. " DynamiteCop - Bbbut it's the Democrats
  9. you just said 80% of games sales in UK is digital... when the digital figure was referring to. money generated digital and includes XBL subs, PSN subs, DLC and Micro transactions and compared to physical that excluded millions of games sold via bundles. Turns out your claim of 80% physical games sales was bogus and out of context as per usual. Actual game sales on big games is still 75% physical. Tales series is a big series as seen with its Top 10 debut on the charts. Dynamite flop
  10. no actually collusion came from the fact that Manifort (the Trump campaign manager) and his lawyers admitted to doing
  11. as with anything with you context escapes your dense ass.. lol "UK video games (excluding hardware) " It seems a bit negative for the physical market, but these figures do not include hardware. And actually more consoles were sold in 2018 than in 2017. This means ALL BUNDLED PHYSICAL GAMES AREN'T INCLUDED IN THAT FIGURE. "physical remains a strong part of the games retail business. According to ERA, the best-selling game of the year was FIFA 19 with 2.5 million units sold... 1.89 million of those sales came physically. That means
  12. "Digital data includes microtransactions, subscriptions and add-on content."
  13. @Ramzaand @DynamiteCop!.... Russia initially targeted both and then this happened. Russians tried to hack Clinton emails same day Trump publicly asked them to, says Russia probe indictment Documents released by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in connection with the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers, claim the hackers targeted a domain used by Ms Clinton’s personal office “on or about July 27 2016”. Trump - “Russia, if you are listening. I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by the
  14. Who blamed Russia attacking on Trump? lmfao. The issue is what his campaign did After Russia hacked.
  15. So Paul Manafort and his lawyers didn't admit to colluding while he was campaign manager?
  16. Did you miss where I said they hacked both the RNC and the DNC? That right there is an attack on AMERICA. As I mentioned earlier in this thread.... Trump's campaign chose to Collude with Russia and that is a federal crime. Doesn't matter if they asked them to or not... fact is that they did collude.
  17. It wasn't only add bots... they hacked the DNC, RNC etc and attempted to hack other government agencies... seriously have you been in a cave the last few years?
  18. "the GOP Congress never really came close to approving billions of dollars for the wall, though there were certainly opportunities for Republicans at several points to win as much as $25 billion for the border while the GOP was in charge of Congress in 2017 and 2018 – but those efforts failed as most GOP lawmakers backed away from possible bipartisan immigration compromises." As Republicans worked on two years of spending bills during the time that the GOP controlled the Congress under President Trump, lawmakers twice approved $1.6 billion for border security – but only for fencing
  19. Yea you're ignoring a federal crime of The Trump campaign colluding with foreign government because you said "it's not a big deal" Also.... Trump already got funding to fix the current wall... he has done nothing with it. Not only that... he doesn't want to explore plans to actually modernize the southern border, cameras, drones, tracking etc. Plans that were proposed to him to ACTUALLY secure the southern border.
  20. no bro... he had a republican house and senate.... meaning they had the majority... meaning he had enough Republicans to pass his agenda. Problem is.. not even the Republicans wanted to give him 5 billion for a wall that he won't actually build....If they did.. they wanted to they would have passed the bill.
  21. and here's the kicker.... shutdown started when Trump had a republican house and senate. For two years the REPUBLICANS didn't want to give him the wall. but somehow it's the Democrats fault... even though they just got the house on Jan 1st 2019..lol
  22. Trump hasn't even touched the 20% of the almost 2 billion he got to enhance the current border wall.....almost a year now ... lied and said they used it to extend the wall..... nothing was done. Measly 5 billion? I thought Mexico was supposed to pay that Bill?.... oh wait... that was a lie too.
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