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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. you just said you have been playing your Switch more than your PS4 pro lately
  2. Daemon X Machina Yoshi Pokémon Tetris Battle Royale Smash
  3. it looks better on every level.... you hyped this trash for 5 years bro.
  4. You think Scalebound would have been worse than Crackdown 3 SOD2 SOT and all the other 5.0 trash they've pumped out?
  5. the thread title itself is a question both you and Slow Jonny are running from
  6. Oh shit... forgot about that. MS killed Scalebound for SOT SOD2 Halo Wars Crackdown All flops @Bodycount N you jumped ship at the right time bro.
  7. Hahaha.... the shit you make up to make yourself feel better about Bayonetta 3 being Switch Exclusive
  8. The Cancelbound 2 yr cancelation anniversary just passed too
  9. It feels like the sort of random multiplayer mode you'd see in some late-model PS2 or early Xbox 360 game and wonder "wow, why does this game have competitive multiplayer?" To add a little insult to injury, Wrecking Zone is launching without the ability to party up and play with friends
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