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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Yes... initially people thought the Switch would just be an up port of the 3DS game..... now it turns out it's the full DQXI Console game + the 3DS game + new story content + dual Audio + orchestrated music etc and now they're big mad
  2. because it's coming out soon you think it's rushed?.... Hey whatever you need to tell yourself
  3. "Square is Anti consumer " "It's not fair I just bought DQXI " "It's a slap in the face ". Seriously though... they're acting as if the PS4 and PC game was canceled.... lol
  4. nah.. they're all mad "Why are people so angry about DQXIS" https://www.resetera.com/threads/why-are-people-so-angry-about-dragon-quest-xi-s.99577/
  5. He is not afraid.... he is gassed. Luke played him too much last night at 34 they shouldn't be playing him so many minutes Even if the Lakers somehow find a way to scape into the playoffs... their reward is GS in round 1....lol Welcome to the west LeBron
  6. you don't care... but alot of the PS4 and PC DQXI S owners are FURIOUS that the Switch is getting exclusive content for the game, orchestrated OST, 2D mode + More. They're big mad
  7. Lakers lost to the mighty hawks since then.... further down in 10th they go.... welcome to the west LeBron
  8. this game is not on Xbox1 The Switch version also includes the 2D DQXI mode.
  9. I guess no one wants the DQXI S port on Switch... my bad
  10. So Starlink has a content update with even more Star Fox content. Including Star Fox ship racing...... did they morph that Star Fox rumored racing game into this?
  11. Your criticism is that there were some old ports.... while the game you were disappointed that it wasn't shown is itself a port (MPT). The two games you wanted were announced Mario Maker 2 and a 2D Zelda. Can't please everyone for real....lol
  12. but DynamiteCop and Slow Jonny said that Nintendo's entire 2019 was announced in September. and that no way will they announce new games so close to release
  13. So wait.... MS bought Hellblade's developer and now they release games on the Switch?
  14. This was just the winter direct... still have the a direct in the Spring and E3... more bangers to come
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