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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. They have no choice but to... 3 years and counting with no bangers for series X. They will treat Starfield as their messiah.
  2. Exploring uninhabited planets with nothing on it... Should be fun.
  3. When have they ever showed gameplay for this game? Post it.
  4. They're still showing in-engine footage for Hellblade and zero game play? Lol
  5. There's nothing there, except the Twitter Files getting exposed as a sham on the official congressional record. The two Twitter files reporters both left after they realized they were being played for idiots by musk. Musk pulled down and deleted all the Twitter Files threads after the sham was revealed. The Twitter Files is dead, was a sham and musk lawyers already said as much in a court of law. It's over and as usual your dumbass, clueless about fucking everything was wrong yet again Fucking idiot.
  6. @Cooke you were parading this dumb shit that only low information ignorant simpletons like you fell for. Now that Musk legal team admits that surprise surprise it was all a lie your bitch ass wants to run away.
  7. You're really are dumbest motherfucker on the board and that's saying alot Oh I got his BS argument.. But it's just that... BS. Ukraine is a sovereign nation and they chose to defend their people and their land. Russia is responsible for their unprovoked aggression and invasion of Ukraine.... End of story.
  8. All the previous 50 something presidents who weren't primaried didn't care about democracy... Only 4 did apparently. So Biden will die in office (heard you say that a couple of times already... Is that a wish of yours? )... But Trump won't? When they basically the same age
  9. Are you dense? The main issue wasn't the inflated numbers. It was the fact that he claimed we (America) killed those kids, when in fact it was Russia that killed them.
  10. Cooke's favorite candidate continues to spout misinformation.
  11. As long as it doesn't end up on peacock like twisted metal 🤮
  12. "Well excuse me princess".... He was very chatty in the Super Mario super show in the 80s.
  13. At the 75hr mark, about 74 shrines in and im now about to enter the temple in the desert. Still have 1 more tower to get.
  14. Fox says that Tucker new program on Twitter is a breach of contract and they will be perusing legal action against him "Scoop: Fox News says Tucker Carlson breached his contract" https://www.axios.com/2023/06/07/fox-news-tucker-carlson-contract-breach Shortly after Carlson posted the first episode of his new show on Twitter Tuesday evening, Fox News general counsel Bernard Gugar sent a letter to Carlson’s lawyers saying Carlson "is in breach" of his contract agreement. "In connection with such breach and pursuant to the Agreement, Fox expressly
  15. Kennedy is a manchurian candidate, he knows it's not true. He is an agent of misinformation for splinter the democratic vote in hopes of getting Trump back in office.
  16. Shit was crazy today at work. Thanks Canada.
  17. Sony and Nintendo to abandon their models to copy gamepass and do day and date subs for 1st party AAA titles anyday now.
  18. And he used that incorrect fact to spread misinformation dumb shit.
  19. No wonder Cooke lovers Kennedy..he parrots Russian misinformation about Ukraine so much that even Twitter had to fact check him... Lol
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