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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Switch will surpass XB1 this year for total sales WW
  2. its also worst on Xbox1.... the majority of XB1 owners will place this on an OG and an S
  3. Games that you don't need an Xbox for... no wonder its dead last
  4. Apparently so with your zero Xbox exclusives in 36 months
  5. You get to look like a clown as again for the millionth time
  6. is that your damage control for you looking like an Ass again
  7. Yoo... this guy. Not only did you bust a nut over an "exclusive" Demo of a multi plat. You then pulled out your ass that this means MS will acquire Capcom
  8. Trump has already been named as an unidentified co-conspirator "Individual one". Once they work through the whether a sitting president can be indicted or not...that can change in a heartbeat without needing impeachment.
  9. The investigation already has more convictions and indictments than water gate and in a shorter time frame. Most corrupt administration in US history. Yes I know how it works... that's why im letting it play out.
  10. I am letting things play out because I know federal investigations of this scale takes a long time. You guys are the one saying "it's taking too long"...lol And while it's playing out the indictments and convictions are racking up. To the tune of it being the most corrupt administration in US history. More Indictments and more convictions than water gate in a shorter time.
  11. You both realize that Trump's current lawyer is having negotiations with on whether a sitting President can be indicted right? You do also know Trump has already been named as individual 1 who instructed his then Lawyer to break several laws correct? What's the time frame for Federal investigations on this scale? You guys think it takes a few weeks or some shit? lol
  12. have you not be paying attention? wait of course you have not This case already has more indictments and convictions than Watergate and on a shorter time span. Trump personal lawyer of over a decade was recently convicted and has named Trump as individual 1 and he is currently cooperating with the investigators. Trump's current lawyer is negotiating on whether you can indict a sitting president. A Large number of Trump's senior campaign staff and a few of his WHITE HOUSE CABINET MEMBERS have been CONVINCED in a federal court.
  13. You said connect it to Trump... I just did...and to follow up on that. Quick question.... who do you think is individual 1 on the federal indictments? and why do you think Trump's current lawyer is having negotiations with Mueller on whether a sitting president can be indicted or not? You also do know that this investigation has already yielded more convictions of top level staff than Watergate and in record time?
  14. You mean his personal lawyer of over a decade being indicted, pleading guilty for actions he took on behalf of his client 'individual one".... has nothing to do wkth Trump? You mean Trump being interviewed by Mueller in regards so such an indictment with his current lawyer trying to cut deals with the Mueller team about whether a sitting President can be indicted had nothing to do with Trump? You mean to tell me the Majority of Trump senior campaign staff have been indicted and found guilty has nothing to do with Trump. DynamiteCop
  15. its a port of the PS4/XB1 versions that were released in 2017. Did you say the same things when those were released?
  16. Did you miss all the guilty please and indictments? Or are you not playing attention? .
  17. There are costs associated with creating the shirt, mass producing the shirts, shipping, advertising packaging and labor etc.
  18. 10 dollar profit on a 15 dollar shirt? You really have zero clue how anything works do you?
  19. on the next episode of tales from DynamiteCop's ass
  20. Don't be mad that you got owned, lied and got owned again
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