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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Hey clown ass. Development environments evolve and improve overtime. MS was dumb enough to use a similar environment for the Xbox1 that they used in the 7 yr old 360. So while that environment was considered developer friendly last gen.... it became outdated once PS4s came along and was much better. To make matters worse the Xbox1 was also weaker than PS4. now you're basically saying the ENTIRE INDUSTRY ARE LAZY DEVELOPERS because they spoke the truth about Xbox1 developer environment... lmfao
  2. Man why does context always escape your dense ass? Developers praised the 360 because it was a better development environment when compared to the PS3. But for this Gen.... PS4 provides a better development environment than the OG1 and the S. Sony learned from their arrogance with the PS3 and developed a developer friendly console. Now... had they stuck to their guns and made the PS4 as difficult to develop for as the PS3..... then the OG Xbox1 and the S would have been considered more developer friendly. Ideologies didn't flip flop, they'r
  3. lol... the Switch comes with everything you need to take it on the go.
  4. What you mean you don't have a charger? the charger that came with the Dock can be plugged directly into the Switch in handheld mode.
  5. it's a revision not a next gen system launch. They'll have a next gen system for 2020/21 You think they have multi decade contract with NVidia solely for an X1 and nothing else in the pipeline? lol
  6. Will you be gaming more than 3 hrs straight on your flight /trip? I normally just take the charger with me for work Trips on Amtracks or flights... most have outlets.
  7. A switch lite that cannot Switch won't happen. If a Pro does happen... the current model will be the entry model. X2 is an X1 on a smaller node, the minute power difference is not enough to push current gen games at 1080p in handheld mode.
  8. if you like Metroid-Vania's you'll love it
  9. Trump FCC appointee chose to gut net neutrality... but keep this
  10. Not true at all, in the UK which is XB1s 2nd strongest market WW. For 2018 PS4 is now outselling it almost 2:1 (an increase) and Switch has bumped XB1 down to 3rd and XB1 saw a YOY decline. PS4 ~ 1.1mSwitch ~ 820k+X1~ 600k
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