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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. lol... the Switch comes with everything you need to take it on the go.
  2. What you mean you don't have a charger? the charger that came with the Dock can be plugged directly into the Switch in handheld mode.
  3. it's a revision not a next gen system launch. They'll have a next gen system for 2020/21 You think they have multi decade contract with NVidia solely for an X1 and nothing else in the pipeline? lol
  4. Will you be gaming more than 3 hrs straight on your flight /trip? I normally just take the charger with me for work Trips on Amtracks or flights... most have outlets.
  5. A switch lite that cannot Switch won't happen. If a Pro does happen... the current model will be the entry model. X2 is an X1 on a smaller node, the minute power difference is not enough to push current gen games at 1080p in handheld mode.
  6. if you like Metroid-Vania's you'll love it
  7. Trump FCC appointee chose to gut net neutrality... but keep this
  8. Not true at all, in the UK which is XB1s 2nd strongest market WW. For 2018 PS4 is now outselling it almost 2:1 (an increase) and Switch has bumped XB1 down to 3rd and XB1 saw a YOY decline. PS4 ~ 1.1mSwitch ~ 820k+X1~ 600k
  9. of course it does align with the way they're getting judged... why do you think Xbox1 is selling less than Switch and PS4? Zero compelling exclusive games to entice buyers.
  10. Even when you include AAA/AA Xbox/PC Fauxclusives..... Xbox has less than PS4 and Switch. Stop the foolishness
  11. Hey Retard... a subset of the great games on Xbox falls in those 7 games. Remove the multiplats and leave the Xbox/PC exclusives (less than 7) and its still way less than PS4 and Switch
  12. "Microsoft failed to offer a compelling case to pick up an Xbox One rather than another console in 2018. The best "console exclusive" titles released for XB1 last year could also be played on your PC, and there wasn't a single game exclusive to Xbox One alone that received positive reviews from critics." https://www.metacritic.com/feature/best-videogames-released-in-2018
  13. If reset era had any pull with games getting released... more than half the games out now wouldn't be out. They had issues with Octopath Traveler too... game went on to be successful. DynamiteCop needs a tin foil hat confirmed.
  14. I was asking for links that back up your theory for the REASONS for the delay and or legal issues. You posted links that say it was delayed and a reset era thread about some posters having issues with him and his views. But.... nothing you posted so far links the two. This post somes it up well. "Local redditor has a cow and starts making assumptions based on circumstantial evidence, film at 11.The game will come when it comes. Might as well wait patiently rather than tilting at windmills."
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