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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Im not batting for anything. Not defending anthem etc. Im just stating it runs better at the moment. How would that possibly backfire on me when im speaking on it's current state?
  2. You keep using different synonyms for the word Demo..lol ok and it runs better on Pro at this moment
  3. Bro.. stop spinning. The Demo runs better on Pro, that's a fact. When the final game is out that could possibly change. But at this moment... it runs better in pro.
  4. learn to read. Runs better. Runs. R U N S
  5. So next time DF says X version of any game is superior, we can all go get random videos on YouTube... find sections where pro runs better and then proclaim Pro version as superior
  6. Because obviously EVERYONE will. purchase an X because it's more powerful
  7. So you're proving my 2nd point and only believing DF when it suits you Pro runs slightly better than X in like comparisons, including during missions and combat.
  8. DynamiteCop... X is more powerful than Pro..... but not every single game will run better on X. You also have a habit of only believing DF when it fits your Narrative and trying to discredit them when they don't.
  9. No title specific data was released. PS4 shipped 8.1m units of hardware during the quarter taking the cumulative total to 94.2 million as Dec 31st 2018. A total of 87.2 million units of PS4 software were shipped during the quarter, of which 37% was digital full game downloads. 2018 Calender Year VS Switch PS4 Q1 2018 : 2,5M Q2 2018 : 3,2M Q3 2018 : 3,9M Q4 2018 : 8,1M 17,7M Switch Q1 2018 : 2,93M Q2 2018 : 1,88M Q3 2018 : 3,19M Q4 2018 : 9,42M 17,4M came down to a 0.3 million difference
  10. Nah.... let me rephrase. Haven't found time to GO have it done. I have a friend that does it for me.
  11. Didn't do mine as yet but it's typically a few thousand.... I normally do it early but tgw shut down set me back ane haven't found time to do it a yet.
  12. once they told me I could stack the trade in bonuse for games + Hardware (forgot the percentage) + the trade in bonus for pre-ordering a Switch.... I jumped on the offer. My power up membership ended a year after the day I pre-ordered and I didn't renew it after that ..... I'll agree with him that Power up is useless to keep... but once in a blue they have great deals like the one I got and I jumped on it.
  13. SS board is no more.... but polygon ran a story on the promotion for the bonus if you put it towards a Switch pre order https://www.polygon.com/2017/1/13/14263174/nintendo-switch-preorder-trade-in-credit Got 195 + bonus trade credit for the hardware + credit for all the games + bonus trade in credit for the games. (That month they had a bonus trade credit for regular trade ins.... was able to stack it with the Switch pre-order bonus)
  14. because you're a liar by nature you think everything someone else says is a lie Is SS still up? My posts on this is well documented on that board.
  15. Nah... I traded in my Wiiu before Switch launch (GS had a great Wiiu trade in program to pre-order a Switch) and got enough Credit to get the System and Zelda @ launch plus enough left over credit to get all the retail games I wanted in 2017. Spent 0 dollars ....then with the remaining credit I got certain games used... competed it in a week and got my full refund....the last of the credit was used to get Mega Man 11...I got to the Yellow Devil and haven't jumped back in yet..... hmmm should finish that soon and get rid of it. Got a 256GB SD card on Amazo
  16. You mean to tell me that gamers who bought a Xb1 or aPS4 years before the Switch even launched..... these gamers are also purchasing a Switch? Thanks captain obvious... lol
  17. @DynamiteCop! and @jehurey Here is the typo again earlier this month....this time I even break down the numbers and use the same wording of "another 17 to 20" obvisously referring to the next fiscal year with the 58 million but mistakenly saying fiscal 19 instead of 20. As you can see here...if I was really saying by fiscal year 19 that would mean two fiscal years in one fiscal year......lol You got me dynomitecop.....I made a typo with the fiscal years....lol case closed!
  18. Had to log in a PC because search on Mobile sucks. @jehurey .......no wonder @DynamiteCop! ran away. Here are my quotes of me saying MULTIPLE TIMES what I meant.
  19. You're calling me a liar but don't want to link the actual threads? If im lying so much... just link the threads.... it so simple.
  20. that why I said "IF they have ANOTHER"...... because that would be a 2nd forecast for 20 million for a 2nd fiscal year (fiscal year 20)and put them past XB1 lifetime sales. You think it wasn't a typo and belive I was saying Switch will have 20 twenty million Fiscal years in one Fiscal year DynamiteCop im not you... I admit when im wrong. Look how quickly I admitted I was wrong about Switch outselling PS4 this Calender Year. I have no problems saying that I was wrong IF I actually predicted Switch to outsell Xbox1 by March 2019..... b
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