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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. So your argument is I clearly stated 37 Million would not surpass Xbox1 but get close for the first 20 and then I counted another 20 million within the same fiscal year?...... Basically you think I was saying Switch will have two fiscal years in fiscal year 2019? it was clearly a typo and should have said fiscal 20 for the 2nd 20 million. Link the threads bro.
  2. You are proving my point My post says 37.79 for this fiscal year (referring to the current one) puts it at ALMOST surpassing Xbox. (This is the first 20 Million Fiscal Year forecast) I then go on break down the fiscal years. and on the final post I said.... "If Switch has "Another" 20 million Fiscal year for 19 it will surpass Xbox1"..... obviously that was a typo, that should have said fiscal 20. Switch cannot have two fiscal years in one fiscal year and have two separate 20 million Fiscal years in one fiscal year.
  3. @DynamiteCop! link the thread bro. I can guarantee you I was talking fiscal year 20 ( which starts in Calender year 19) and I've maintained that it will surpass Xbox1 by the end of Calender year 19.
  4. That's why I said "Another"..... wasn't referring to the first 20 million forecast. Another 20 million in 2019 means for this year. Meaning if they hit 20 Again after hitting the intial 20. Meant to say fiscal 20. Link the thread.
  5. Bro... no one said end of fiscal year. I said by end of Calender year 19. We already discussed that in this sane thread.
  6. It's a Nintendo earnings report to their investors. The 3rd parties will report that in their own earnings or Nintendo can share that info of the specific title at a later date.
  7. 20 titles sold over a million on Switch for the 9 months of April through Dec. 8 of those titles were 3rd party. 12 were first party. That's a healthy split.
  8. You're close, the Current ratio is 57.3 % first party sales to 42.7% 3rd party sales.
  9. People are purchasing two consoles one to play Nintendo games (Switch) and another to play big AAA games not on Switch. So that's the cost of two consoles + Nintendo game + Big AAA 3rd party game not on Switch. DynamiteCop thinks that if Switch was as powerful as the current systems and received the same support..... someway somehow.... Nintendo software will sell less... even though the consumer would only need to spend less money by not needing a second console for the AAA 3rd party software
  10. Yes... we all know that Nintendo games sell Nintendo hardware... but third parties are doing well on the system too. Nintendo Switch: Total Software: 163.610.000 Nintendo: 93.780.000* Third Party: 69.830.000
  11. Oh no... Switch only hit 3 out the 4 targets Switch is ahead launch aligned in both the US and WW and also sold more in the US CY 2018 all three of these Lynux3 got wrong. Meanwhile you predicted 11 million CY 18 and only 3 million Oct - Dec... not one thing you got right
  12. Where are you getting that 43 to 44 million from? ZHugeEX said 41 million from the actual numbers he has seen from NPD, Famitsu and Chart Track. It wasn't a prediction or a forecast he made. Was that 43 to 44 a forecast from your other source? Even in your best case scenario that you just laid out, you have Switch catching XB1 in Calender year 19
  13. Lmfao at you two I said Switch would outsell PS4 in the US this year..... it did. I said Switch was ahead of PS4 launch aligned WW... it is. I said Switch is ahead launch aligned in the US... it is I said Switch would outsell PS4 WW this year... it didn't. I got 3 out of 4 right.... meanwhile Lynux3 got 3 out of 4 wrong @DynamiteCop! and you guys are circle jerking because @lynux3 got 3 out of 4 wrong?
  14. and yet you expected both Smash and Pokémon to flop...... Smash then goes on to sell over 12 million in THREE WEEKS and Pokémon 10 million in Two months
  15. Surpass it within Calender year 19, not within fiscal year 19. With the original 20 million forecast would have put them at 37 ish....they're now saying 34 ish million by March 2019.... XB1 is at 41. Obviously it's a moving target... but Xb1s target is moving much much much much slower than Switch. Switch will still surpass XB1 this calendar year.
  16. Came to post this, launch aligned it's selling faster than PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, 360 and obviously XB1.
  17. "you're you mad at this" Like I said... you're bad at this.
  18. "When Resident Evil 4 came out, we were just awestruck by it," Wanat told me. "We were all playing it and we were like, 'Holy shit, this is a really awesome game. They're actually trying to tell a story; they've got some coolcinematics; the gameplay systems are fixing a lot of problems, bringing it into this actionrealm but keeping this intense horror feel to it. It was this amazing combination and—oh, theenemies were so freakin' cool." Wanat didn't shy away from admitting thatResident Evil 4 is one of his favourite games of all time. And it's clear looking at De
  19. Doesn't change how RE4 is regarded by developers and the impact it had on other games. You guys could shout till your faces turn blue
  20. Lmfao at you if you think only sheep believe that RE4 is a masterpiece..... that's pretty much the consensus with Developers throughout the industry. You guys opinions on a message board doesn't change how this game is regarded.
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