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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. If Switch has another 20 million Fiscal year for 2019 it will surpass XB1 WW
  2. GOTY was a multi.... so PS4 and Xbox both won the Award
  3. While I didn't partake in the bet. Nintendo delayed the release of the 64GB carts...these carts were supposed to be available early 2018....not sure if its available as yet now that I think about it. But resetera insiders claim that was one of the Major reasons why certain huge (file size and AAA status wise) 3rd party games that are already up and running on the Switch were not released.......as yet.
  4. You're mad salty the PS classic is a flop.. lol
  5. Benji - Switch is very likely to do 2+ million this month now, Biggest December for a piece of hardware this generation coming DAT CLIFF
  6. So with the Xbox1 selling at a bargain bin price + game VS Switch at almost TWICE THE PRICE with a game. (199 Vs 359) XB1 should easily win December, since Switch is a novelty, its not the hot new thing anymore, no one will buy it after Oddessy, it lost momentum, its down vs 2017 take it to the bank and it fell off a cliff.
  7. But they are going 3rd party... playing Xbox1 games on an Nvidia Shield, Samsung Smart TV, tablets and phones. welcome to your delusion in denying reality.
  8. Fire Emblem three houses. Luigi's Mansion 3 Yoshi Pokémon RPG Daemon X Machina Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Yokia watch 4 SMT V Animal Crossing. My Friend Pedro NMH Potential 2019 Metroid Prime 4 Bayonetta 3 That's 13 exclusives off the top of my head
  9. DynamiteCop assessment of Switch 2019 is that it only has a mainline Pokémon RPG.... and anything below that standard is considered nothing. He then turns around lists indie games for Xbox1 Lol
  10. He listed those games with a straight face too
  11. Nothing else... remember... its literally only Pokémon... Literally!!!! .
  12. Yes... literally only Pokémon is releasing in 2019 for Switch and nothing else.... literally
  13. He is referring to Bodycount'a Welcome Home Comment. You seem very upset that the Switch version is not the 3DS game like you claimed.
  14. Lmfao. You're the clown who kept saying it would have been the 3DS version of DQXI but in HD. You were so convinced too
  15. Game released Sept 2018 in the west Our 2019 doesn't revolve around this game because unlike Xbox1 we have real EXCLUSIVES. Matter of fact, Switch has more exclusive new games in 2019 than XB1 would have had in 6 years... sit the fuck down
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