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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Nothing else... remember... its literally only Pokémon... Literally!!!! .
  2. Yes... literally only Pokémon is releasing in 2019 for Switch and nothing else.... literally
  3. He is referring to Bodycount'a Welcome Home Comment. You seem very upset that the Switch version is not the 3DS game like you claimed.
  4. Lmfao. You're the clown who kept saying it would have been the 3DS version of DQXI but in HD. You were so convinced too
  5. Game released Sept 2018 in the west Our 2019 doesn't revolve around this game because unlike Xbox1 we have real EXCLUSIVES. Matter of fact, Switch has more exclusive new games in 2019 than XB1 would have had in 6 years... sit the fuck down
  6. Liking video games not on Xbox1 is good for you.... Glad you're enjoying your personal GOTY Xcluded game..... you filthy hermit you
  7. Exclusive content in your personal GOTY that you won't get to play... owned
  8. Xbox1 sucking has forced you back into being a dell kid.. owned
  9. Exclusive content... owned. xcluded not on Xbox1... owned. You're a dell kid again.... owned.
  10. Yes I know you're a hermit now because Xbox1 sucks.... owned.
  11. New Story Arcs New Ending/s More announcements to come of additional content for the S version
  12. Yes you're playing it now... not on Xbox... you hermit you... owned.
  13. I know it's godly... just ribbing Jonb1 for him enjoying a Japanese RPG on PC and loving it.
  14. Didn't this game just release in Sept or Oct or something so? Not on Xbox.. owned.
  15. Thats what happens when you play games outside of what's on Xbox
  16. I remember when some fools thought Switch was getting the 3DS game
  17. Im hearing the PS4 version didn't have voice acting.... is that True?
  18. You have finally accepted that Xbox1 sucks... good to know... Jonb1 hiding behind PC and PS4.... wow
  19. Xbox1 is so bad that Jennifer is in here defending PS4 and PC version of games
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