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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Picked it up again after a few days hiatus... Just found my 70th shrine. The last time I played I realized I still had 4 towers left on the map to find.. I'm down to one or two towers left. I'm up to the desert part heading to gorudo town
  2. And the itards fall for it every time.. It's amazing to watch.
  3. BbbBut I thought Apple would have magic tech from teh future 🔮
  4. You didn't know it's a videogame? Advance wars 4K 2023 edition. Lmfao Cooke lmfao.
  5. Cooke thinks Ukraine surrendering land is not a surrender and that Putin's pinky swear would mean Russia won't do it again..... Yet he wants to accuse others of being Naive
  6. Bbbut Cooke claimed he never said surrender... Instead he said give up the land to Russia... Big difference right... Lol Putin will also Pinky swear he won't do it again....geopolitical conflict solved.
  7. Who is against real peace talks? Can you stop being dishonest for once in your useless life? And again.. Surrendering to Russia isn't peace.
  8. Well first you have to prove that Twinblade is a warmonger
  9. Cooke backtracking... You saying they should have just given up from the start... Means they wouldn't have been defending themselves genius... No one is against peace talks... Surrendering to Russia isn't peace talks.... And because Twinblade doesn't support your idea of that... You label him as being warmongering. Lmfao.. Russia is barely hanging on with Ukraine. They're not looking for an all out war with NATO nations. No one on either side is advocating for that. This conflict has weakened Russia's standing as a super power. But
  10. You're dishonest so much which your arguments that you start believing your own BS. You're still pushing the BS that a nation defending themselves and someone in support of them defending themselves (Twinblade) is a war monger.
  11. You made the claim that she didn't have it and it didn't help Biden win. Actually back up your Bullshit for once.... Go
  12. Wait... You're tired or meaningless replies? Are you saying that with a straight face? your lack of self awareness is astounding
  13. And none of those white dudes would have had that base in the actual presidential race as a VP to Biden. You're so clueless on freaking everything...
  14. You're getting worse with the stupid shit you say... My goodness
  15. Lmfao tales from your ass. Xbox first party games don't even sell that much and Japanese games sell even less on Xbox. Did you just multiply 70 by 2 million as revenue that SE would receive? So you think 3rd party publishers get 100% of the revenue for sales on their games?
  16. Exactly... "in engine" footage is slick PR speak when they know damn well that's the engine cranked to the max, no game code or anything on a super powerful rig..Basically generating a cgi movie using the engine. You noticed they listed "in engine" and "in game cinematic" separately this time? They didn't make that differentiation in the past and tried to pass it off as the same thing.... Dumb ass lemmings fell for it of course
  17. It is a huge step up. V looked good when it released but now it looks atrocious.
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