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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. again... you're not answering the question... instead you're comparing it to Transgenderism...which I already told you I agreed is a mental disorder. Homosexuality is considered a mental disorder in alot of the world. It was also considered a mental disorder in the North Americas up until recently.
  2. Yup, same question im asking Cooke. Homosexuality was listed as a clinical disorder for years up until recently.
  3. You missed the point where I agreed that Transgenderism is a disorder?.... I said I agree on that. Im asking you about Homosexuality.... saying you see animals be gay is like saying animals eat their young, eat shit, eat each other as a defense for being cannibalism. Animals do it too so it must be ok
  4. 5 million WW in 3 days https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO3917462020122018000000/
  5. 5 million WW in 3 days https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO3917462020122018000000/
  6. I agree Cooke. But by extention does that also mean being Gay is a disorder as well? Not too long ago that was the thinking around the world. Do you believe that too?
  7. You can rematch the challengers you lost to after a few minutes
  8. I heard Chrom ia a beast.... haven't unlocked him yet though
  9. Sales did matter.. hence Wiiu was a flop. You lemmings love to make dumbass sales claims (Switch will stop selling after Oddessy, it fell off a cliff, Smash won't sell etc).... but when the data comes out you guys turn into crying little bitches... "why are u talking about sales though"
  10. Hey... I agree... there is nothing wrong with that. It's just funny seeing you do the same thing that for years you made fun of other people doing... playing console games on PC.
  11. https://www.jp.square-enix.com/jf19/stage/ The presentation on the game will be streamed on Sat the 22nd and in Japanese. The link above has the YouTube streaming link. Deliver a follow-up report of Nintendo Switch ™ software "Dragon Quest XI Passing through Time S" officially decided to be released, along with series-born parents, Yuji Horii, Okamoto producer and Uchikawa Director! A pecial guest may also appear !?
  12. On PC because its Xbox EXCLUDED. Jennifer the Hermit
  13. RDR2 is doing well because its a block buster a Rockstar game that sells gangbusters. It also being on Multiple consoles also helps the sales. Its not the main reason why it sells, but it helps. The main reason it sells is because it's a Rockstar blockbuster game. I am not downplaying RDR2 everyone including myself expected it to do great and it did ....unlike DynamiteCop who has been downplaying SmAAAsh even before it launched (he said it wouldn't sell as good as other Smash games) and is now trying to downplay its success post launch. NPD said the
  14. Put the drugs down for a sec. "Nintendo Switch has become the fastest-selling video game system of this hardware generation through 21 months, according to The NPD Group For the slow ones like yourself... that means its selling at a faster pace than X1 and PS4 at this point in their comparative live cycles
  15. Which claim of mine are you proving wrong? The claim I made that SmAAAsh will continue to do great this month was just proven right. So what imaginary claim in your drug infested brain are you referring too?
  16. Hey retard, RDR2 had a sale and is on multiple systems. This is also UK only sales =/= entire of Europe. Let's see how SmAAAsh is doing in all of Europe shall we. Thread Backfire
  17. The Article just came out you clown and as per usual..... you were wrong. Already have 42 characters.... 32 more to unlock
  18. Super Smash Bros.series, with U.S. sales of over 3 million units in just 11 days, according to Nintendo’s internal sales data Plus it sold over 1 million in 3 days im Japan..... So that's already over 4 million. Once the Japanese sales for last week come out tomorrow we will know the current number for Japan. So that's already over 4 million for US and Japan only...... lwithout considering the current Japanese numbers (which comes out tomorrow) and without considering the rest of the world
  19. By the end of December, SMAAAsh will have the record for the biggest Exclusive launch OF ALL TIME in the United States. Bbbut this game has no hype Nintendo is also the overall top-selling U.S. software publisher so far for 2018, according to NPD data through November. This performance should receive an additional boost from the December release of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimategame, which has become not only the fastest-selling Nintendo Switch game of all time, but also the fastest-selling game in the Super Smash Bros.series, with U.S. sales of over 3 million u
  20. Bro you're really trying too hard..... people haven't been waiting 14 months for Smash and playing nothing else....This is the same dumbass logic that led you to believe that Switch would fall off a cliff after Oddessy.... This is the UK only...... Pokémon is busy outselling RDR2 and COD at retail in the US and selling gangbusters all over the world. and Smash is busy pushing towards 5 million for launch month.
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