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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Nothing is wrong with multiple gaming consoles SKU's...... the issue is having all these SKU's AT LAUNCH. spacing out the time between revisions gives you more time to improve so much more. More powerful hardware and improvements to the system itself. Launching all at once takes away all those advantages of spacing out the time between revisions. Unless they also plan to release Mid gen refreshes for all the SKU's
  2. I recently got selected. Tested it out on my Surface Pro 6 over WiFi at my house... ran much better than I expected. Mainstream and the casual crowd wouldn't not know the difference or care that it was streamed. For a stationary system (LAN) or for in home wifi use, it works great. For on the move outside the home use... the public wifi networks in the US currently suck donkey balls. Google should do a follow up Beta but this time for a multi-player game.... curious to see how a streamed 16 player or a 100 player death match would
  3. You mean the last discussion where you claim you didn't say something... I pulled up your quotes and you immediately shut the fuck up about it?
  4. You can extrapolate alot...just ask DynamiteCop. as I said the shit fell off a cliff, I maintain that 100%. it will underperform both Xbox One and PS4greatly. 
  5. No.. im here to read impressions on a game im interested in on a system I own. Currently playing AAAe SmAAAsh and will get to this eventually. You are here because there aren't any Xbox1 game threads to speak of..... I'll ask again... When have you guys discussed Ashen or Mutant?
  6. There was no hardware deal for Smash. The Smash bundle was $360....that's full price bro. anyway.. not going back and forth with you in this anymore. You were wrong on all accounts.... you can spin it how you want to make yourself sleep better at night.. lol
  7. A negligible impact because Pokémon released that month and outsold both Red Dead 2 and COD in November at retail dummy. Smash's real impact will be felt in Dec.
  8. What kinda what if shit is this? THEY ONLY HAD POKEMON FOR NOVEMBER, SMASH DIDT NOT RELEASE IN NOVEMBER YOU DENSE CLOWN. You want to handicap the situation for Xbox1 with all those discounts + a free game +the biggest 3rd party game of the year and Switch was supposed to have no games for the Holidays? Bbbut what if and what if..... WHAT IF Bro we live in reality....all your what if scenarios are pointless. The ironic thing is that read dead 2 released closer to Nov than Smash Yet somehow your dumbass keeps counting Smash for Nov but n
  9. Here slow Jonny....you brought up Ashen and Mutant. I asked you when have you spoken about it those games that you brought up.... AKA... no one is talking about thsoe games and no threads were created All up in all the Switch games threads because there are no Xbox1 games threads.
  10. as I said the shit fell off a cliff, I maintain that 100%. it will underperform both Xbox One and PS4greatly.
  11. For the millionth time, when have you guys spoken about either game?
  12. and even more as I said the shit fell off a cliff, I maintain that 100%. it will underperform both Xbox One and PS4greatly.
  13. When have you guys talked about Ashen or Mutant?
  14. You're the littlest Bitch in SW history...running away from your claims. Bbbut I never said Switch would be down in NPD Bro... everyone saw you saying that all fucking year long
  15. I agree, your bullshit claims that you refuse to stand by now like a lil bitch is a waste of my time
  16. SMASH ULTIMATE’ 1.2 PATCH NOTES: MATCHMAKING FIXES https://www.newsweek.com/smash-ultimate-12-patch-notes-1258358
  17. 1.2 patch is live and has some online play improvements. Online Gameplay When matchmaking in Quickplay, the Format setting of your Preferred Rules will be prioritized more. This may cause matchmaking to take more time. Increased the stability of the synchronous connection within Battle Arenas. This first patch obviously doesn't address everything... but it shows that they will be making improvements on the online mode. Unlike some posters who claimed they would never patch it
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