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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Speaking of the Smash effect. Prepare your anus for December @DynamiteCop! Benji - So that 3 million+ Smash December coming..... Benji - Question at this point is if Smash can be your new number 1 biggest launch month ever for an exclusive and that's before you include digital.
  2. On Wii it used buttons to attack and motion for finishers. Im. not advocating for NMH3 to ise motion, was just pointing out how Switch has better motion.
  3. NMH did not use camera or pointer controls. Camera and pointer =/= motion.... that's infrared. The motion controls in the Joy-Cons are 10 years ahead of the motion in Wii and PS move. NMH can use a combination of button controls and motion if need be... or just button alone.
  4. "probably" .... you damn well know you just made up that claim about me so you threw in a "probably".. lmfao. Bro you predicted Switch to be last for Nov NPD - wrong. You predicted XB1 to be 2nd - wrong. You predicted Switch to be down YOY NPD - wrong. You predicted Xbox1 to be up YOY - wrong. You predicted Xbox to be hardware revenue leader for nov - wrong. You were wrong on ALL accounts. Stop conflating the WW shit for Oct to Nov with just Nov alone and trying to pass it off as if this
  5. Retard you're the one who confused my WW predictions with NPD predictions You spew so much outlandish claims you're confusing your own self. NPD played out just like I said. Not my fault you confused that with the huge WW numbers for Oct - Dec that im expecting. Sticking to NPD... you were 100% wrong. XB1 was down and Switch is up, point blank.
  6. Why would anyone purchase a Switch after Mario Odyssey released?
  7. The master of conflating strikes again lmfao. Why are you conflating our WW predictions with NPD alone. Reminder... you predicted Only 3 million WW for Switch for Oct, Nov and Dec COMBINED.....we told you WW for those 3 months will be more than double that. For November NPD only those numbers are in line with what we predicted. Switch up, Xbox1 down. You predicted Switch to be waaay down and Xbox1 up. Even when you're wrong and you admit you're wrong you're still trying to be right?
  8. again... when have you guys spoken about Ashen or Mutant outside of its score?
  9. For November all that was negligible compared to the Pokemon bundle effect + the Pokémon software sales effect at retail. Pokémon outsold both COD and RDR2 at retail in November. Smash Software and hardware effects will be fully realized in Dec.
  10. Smash has no effect on November sales as Smash was released on Dec 7th. You will see the Smash effect next month when Switch sells even more than it did for November. Good on you for eating crow
  11. I think this month isbthe most wrong he has EVER been 1) Switch was #1 in Revenue. 2) Pokémon Let's go was #1 in Physical at retail outselling both Red dead 2 and COD. (once digital is included next week this may change because Nintendo doesn't share its digital data with NPD) 3) Switch was in contention and outsold Xbox1 4) Xbox1 was down by 3% and Switch was up 75% compared to last year.
  12. When have you guys talked about Ashen or Mutant?
  13. @lynux3 you left out the important info YoY: Switch: +75% 3DS: -39% PS4: -13% XBO: -3% Other: -6% The top-selling titles (physical only) were RDR2, Black Ops 4 and Pokemon Let's go Pikachu/Eevee. @DynamiteCop! Xbox1 is down just like I said it would be and Switch was up a whopping 75% and Pokemon Let's go sold great..... the trifecta of you being wrong this month update* The real numbers are Switch: 1356k PS4: 1470k XBO: 1338k and Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee is the top selling ga
  14. Nintendo didn't have an official price drop. MS on the other hand had a fire sale on Xbox
  15. This fool is literally going around crying in all these Switch game threads ... Bhytre is mad salty that there are no Xbox1 games to talk about
  16. ohh look, he's in another Switch AAA game thread
  17. DynamiteCop.... just last week you said that Pokémon let go eveee and Picachu are two different games because of different starter Pokémon. Even though you can experience THE SAME CONTENT in both versions. This week you're saying that MK8 Wiiu and Switch are the same game when the Switch version has entire modes and content that's not in the Wiiu version and will never be in the Wiiu version. YOU CAN never experience those modes and that content on Wiiu that's on the Switch. You contradict yourself almost as much as you're wrong
  18. Why would I be angry that you have no games to play and spend more time in Switch threads than non existent XB1 game threads?
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