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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. you spend more time in Switch game threads than you do in non existent XB1 game threads
  2. They're playing local multi-player Slow Johnny Stop calling the cops on gamers who have exclusives to play Jennifer.
  3. probably was slow Jonny who called the cops on his neighbor. Calls Neighbor* "WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING!!!! ?".......... "AAAe? you're lying, Switch has no games" *Dials 911*
  4. because they were playing AAAe SmAAAsh. Cops end up playing Smaash with the neighbors. TLHBO... Tobias Isreal https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10218763789791636&id=1406770252 https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/police-respond-noise-complaint-end-playing-video-games-respectful-tenants-002329963.html
  5. Patch incoming.... Patch notes to follow.
  6. 278,313 swtichs sold IN A WEEK. Those are MONTHLY NPD numbers that are being sold IN ONE WEEK. Switch will only sell 3 million WW Oct through Dec
  7. Exactly.... he wants 5 Billion to build a wall. The same wall he lied to his dumbass base about that Mexico would pay for it. Now he was the US tax payers to foot the 5 million dollar bill... lmfao. I'll shut down the Government
  8. Haven't played it online yet... but from the link that lost fool posted it seems that the rematch menu doesn't give you the option to change characters. and that on wifi matches.... the person with the slowest connection bogs down the match. The first one can be fixed with a patch, for the 2nd issue.... they should implement an option where you set the rules for what minimum connection level you are looking for..... anything lower that what you selected won't show up in your match making query. I think initially Mario Tennis had online issues.... those
  9. So your dumbass ass knows they're private entities but want to prescribe public entity regulations on private organizations? That would make it a city/state/federally funded/ran social media outlets...... Vini is a fascist communist who wants publicity funded social media that will peddle propaganda for the government confirmed.
  10. you infringed on his right to shove a butt plug up his ass on social media
  11. Hey numb nuts... they are in line. No one's constitutional rights were taken away by social media. Again... you are clueless and have no idea what Freedom of Speech actually means. Go read the constitution and then come back here and realize how stupid you sound right now.
  12. Umm there are a ton of right wing media outlets in America ... Ask @Vini to refer you to some.... he watches that shit 24/7 Of course its a question of it being a private company. If it was a city, state or federal run organization then you guys would have a point. But because it is not and his Freedom of speech is still intact..... This is all much a do about nothing.
  13. But they are private.... you can't argue against reality bro. WTF?!!
  14. No.. straight common sense would tell you that they're private entities. You agree to their TOS when you sign up for their free social media sites. He has his free will and can take his free speech anywhere else he wants. He can go to right wing media sites and...... oh wait... he got cut loose from them too
  15. They are still private entities and they haven't broken any constitutional values because he still has his freedom of speech. You are clueless as always.
  16. Now that im further in the game... im getting crushed... lost at least 4 challenges.
  17. Size doesn't change the fact that it's a not a public service.
  18. Even Glenn Beck doesn't want him?... So he is effectively banned there too? Where is the outrage for this?
  19. The reality is that they're private platforms not a public square, your false equivalence doesn't change that reality. How about you test out that thesis and start posting that stuff online.... see how long you last
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