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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. I literally just posted the context for him below...saying the same thing Benji said. Smash will do more than 3 million WW in 3 days. Lmfao @DynamiteCop!
  2. Lmfao. 1) The other titles did not sell poorly, they sold over 13 million WW that's not poorly. 2) It is the bestselling Smash title in UK, those are the facts. 3) This is a precursor to the WW sales.... the context is.. if it's doing well in the UK compared to the other Smash Titles that sold well... this will do better WW compared to other Smash Titles. 4) Pokémon did 3 million in 3 days WW... Smash will do more than that. 5) Nintendo will announced the" first week sales" (Fri through Sunday) early this week.
  3. only got to put a few hours in this weekend Will dedicate more time to it tbis upcoming week though
  4. There was a Switch hardware promotion this week featuring Mario Kart 8: Deluxe, which boosted sales of that game 45 per cent week-on-week. The title rose four places to No.5.
  5. Super Smash Bros Ultimate breaks franchise records to become this week's No.1 UK boxed game. It is the fastest-selling Nintendo Switch game released so far, eclipsing the combined launch sales of Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu and Pokémon: Let's Go Eevee. The game's launch sales are 302 per cent higher than the numbers achieved by Super Smash Bros for Wii U and they're 233 per cent higher than Super Smash Bros for 3DS. Launch sales are also 62.5 per cent higher than the Wii game Super Smash Bros Brawl. All of which means Ultimate is the fastest-selling Smash Bros game in the franchise's UK hist
  6. keyboard and mouse is not a controller you dense clown We're discussing features within game controllers and of course your Autism flares up and brings up Keyboards.
  7. Alot if Switch games use it. It's a built in feature on the controller that developers can use for games that use the 2nd analog stick to aim.
  8. Does every game use every single feature on a controller? Another lemming who doesn't understand how Gyro works. Games that use the 2nd analog stick to aim benefit greatly from gyro. Analog + Gyros give more precision than just analog aiming alone.
  9. and then you responded with keyboard and mouse.... Gyro in modern controllers doesn't work like that bro.. lol
  10. ITT DynamiteCop and spic don't know how gyro works in modern controllers
  11. Game has a ridiculous amount of content.... lawwwwd
  12. In enjoying classic mode.... I'll just unlock fighters as they come
  13. Slow Jonny and Autistic Cop are so salty that they're spamming an Official Game Thread
  14. I came here to post this. @DynamiteCop! a programming class for girls bothers you this much bro?
  15. After Hollow Knight and Mega Man 11, im 2D'd out for a bit.
  16. Just picked this up tonight We should do a SW SmAAAsh Tournament like we did back in the day
  17. What kinda shit browser are you using? I'll tell you what it said. The vid said the claims about Soros are false and unsubstantiated and cannot be confirmed true by Fox business. Can your browser display text? or will you not see this too?
  18. We're talking about AAAe SmAAAsh that released today. Jonb1 went from hyping Exclusive Bangers to hyping only multiplats
  19. Here's a reality check for you. You can literally play All of XB1 best games WITHOUT having the purchase an Xb1... So Xbox having no exclusives saves me and alot of consumers money....... Thanks Microsoft
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