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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. We're talking about AAAe SmAAAsh that released today. Jonb1 went from hyping Exclusive Bangers to hyping only multiplats
  2. Here's a reality check for you. You can literally play All of XB1 best games WITHOUT having the purchase an Xb1... So Xbox having no exclusives saves me and alot of consumers money....... Thanks Microsoft
  3. I'm taking about AAA exclusives....something your ass can't have on Xbox
  4. Games that you don't need an Xbox for Meanwhile smash has tons of content out the gate
  5. game will be best on X. While the majority of the Xbox fanbase will play an inferior version on their S and OG Xbox1
  6. No need for an Xbox when all it's games are multiplatform. Here's what, you go enjoy your exclusively timed demo and i'll go enjoy my AAAe game
  7. Switch Just got a AAAe released an hour ago You're a game less lemming happy for an exclusively timed demo
  8. and its 2019....if this launches around the Avengers 4 movie it could be huge with the casual fans.
  9. My favorite part was when Phil said "Xbox1 could have had a better year"
  10. That would be great and a great win for the Game awards... more mainstream attention to this show. They need to find a way to trim this show to 2 hrs though.
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