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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Its timed just like the other crash games that were remade
  2. Most likely timed like the other crash remakes before it
  3. That phone thread keeps Ghostz occupied where he doesn't spam the main board. Same with the Bitching thread...keeps Aza relatively busy.
  4. I don't expect Sony to play ball until MS stop making hardware... as long as there is a competing Xbox console... Sony won't do it..... Nintendo is another story, they may allow it on Switch with no problem. Let's see what happens.
  5. The highest smash pre-orders in history =zero hype
  6. Its a new game.... The lemming delusion is strong
  7. My thread title was better
  8. bbbut lemmings said when MS said every device that they didn't mean every device Xbox has very ambitious 3rd party aspersions.
  9. Switch is less than two years old. Don't expect a price drop UNTIL a revision is announced. If the revision is a pro version that will probably maintain the 300 price while the base version drops in price.
  10. They're leftist double agents dressed as red necks.
  11. Bro... not even going to go back and forth with you on political and social issues. You already admitted multiple times that you barely have surface knowledge on these things and don't pay attention to these issues detail. It was just hilarious seeing you spout talking points that you had zero backing for
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