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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. just looked it up. It was a cross gen game. All versions feature the same backgrounds from the GC just at higher res. 720 on last gen and 1080p on current gen. Switch will run this 1080p docked.
  2. They found his Twitter account... surprise surprise. A right wing nut, his page is plastered with Right Wing MeMes.
  3. Cesar Sayoc Jr., Florida man, arrested in pipe bomb case; van with 'right wing paraphernalia' seized https://boingboing.net/2018/10/26/florida-man-arrested-in-packag.html
  4. it says "game outputs in 2160p" Then is says "play in 4K" That's deceptive marketing. There is probably one or two scenarios where it hits 4k....Sony is spinning that to say "Play in 4K". But they also cover themselves legally by saying "game out puts at 2160p"
  5. Goukosan


    you own a base PS4 and a Pro simultaneously?
  6. Lemmings think it's the mods fault That Xbox1 sucks
  7. says the guy who literally had a guy's cock in his mouth. "Tastes like skin" One of the most epic SW self ownages of all time.
  8. No one said DQ needs handhelds to survive. Where are you getting that from? There has only been one mainline DQ game that launched on Hand Helds only (DQIX) DQ is the is most popular Japanese franchise...it doesn't need handhelds or consoles to survive. It will do well on either.
  9. The 3DS version outsold the PS4 by over a million in the east. DQXI hasn't broken a million on PC and PS4 as yet. Was giving context to your miss information. It is dollar sales not unit sales. You can have more revenue but actually made less profits depending on your intial investment.
  10. Yea... but only if or it when that happens... until then we're going by what DF said. Don't pull a DynamiteCop. DF said it's Native 4k.... then it's native 4K until proven other wise.
  11. Goukosan


    Yes, Cows are owned and you guys deserve to enjoy your cow ownage. There is room for many cow ownage threads.... but not many of the Same thread that already exists.
  12. Yes it will move alot of Xs.... but the base system will still sell more. MS should have been pushing these type of games (Games that show the Xs power) through first party from X's launch. People will be satisfied with "just good enough" on Base X, Xs and Base PS4.
  13. Goukosan


    @Vini there is a DF thread with this info. Why didn't you post your cow ownage in there? Those are DF screen shots right?
  14. Those Rabbid fanboys are stupid. Rockstar won't even notice that a few resetera cows didn't purchase it. Those cows protest will be in vain.
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