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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. "That's a ton of content " - lemmings
  2. 2 - 3 years... Which is exactly what Sony said would happen... No one is surprised by this. I mean you basically kept the thread floated with your uncontained excitement with 3 to 4 posts back to back to back before anyone responded
  3. No one is butt hurt over 3 year old ports. You're clearly overly excited for it though Keep buying these late ass ports so that Sony won't do day that date
  4. Why would I be butt hurt that Sony is doing exactly what they said they would do? Port that games 2 to 3 years later. It's actually comical how excited for this you are and further backs up Sony's point for not needing day and date for PC. You hermslobs will wait the 2 to 3 years and still lap up the games. Sony will keep you guys waiting years for the ports
  5. 3 years later and Hermits are still busting a nut for old ass PS5 launch games Remij was so excited the first three posts are all his No need for day and date when hermits will eat this shit up years later and still ask for more old ports
  6. Day 1 for me on PS5. I played the 2nd beta, the demo and the final beta over the last few months to get a feel for the game. SFVI is legit, better then V and even in these early stages better then IV.
  7. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    You're saying the feminine gay men and masculine butch lesbians have mental issues. So you're saying Cooke's gay peoples have mental disorders
  8. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    You hear that @Cooke, ghostz says your gay peoples have a mental disorder
  9. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    It has to do with what I quoted Cooke about, you miss understanding it that's another issue in itself
  10. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Those feminine gay men think they're women and butch lesbians definitely think they're men...down to their mannerisms, the way they speak, the way they dress, the gender roles they take up in relationships and in society etc. Again, that was seen as a mental disorder. Damn.. Cooke thinks he is mentally disabled... It all Makes sense now...
  11. How big is the starting roster on day 1 is the question for me.
  12. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Yet he doesn't think that men acting like women and women acting like men is a mental disorder....strange line to draw in the sand.. Lol You're finally catching up
  13. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    That's not the point dip shit. For the majority of time... Gay people were seen as having mental issues that's a undisputed fact.
  14. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Yup, it's a spectrum because... There are gay men who totally act like women, female mannerisms, wear a mix of male and female clothes etc... There are butch lesbians that act like men, male mannerisms and wear male clothing etc... I guess @Cooke thinks gay men and women have mental issues... Which by extension means he thinks he himself has mental issues..... Lol
  15. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Are you dense? Cooke said it's a mental issue with trans people. I SAID, Not too long ago, being gay was seen as a mental issue as well. Aka sounds like what they used to say about gay people. That does not imply that gay and trans are the same both have spectrums within it. What it does explicity state is that both were seen as mental issues. You're dense as fuck
  16. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    No, your retarded ass can't read and comprehend.
  17. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Are you slow? Who said it's the same? I said it was considered a mental disorder until recently.
  18. Lakers getting swept out IN FRONT OF THEIR FANS was way worse... At least celtics made it a series and fought back... Whereas Lakers got steamrolled. Speaking of the Celtics, did they run any plays tonight? All iso ball for 48 mins..lmfao.
  19. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Gay people think it's natural for a man to be with a man and a woman with a woman. Which as I just stated was once considered a mental issue to be attracted to the wrong sex.
  20. Man you're more stupid that usual lately.
  21. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Sounds like what they used to say about gay people not too long ago.
  22. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Don't care to know because im not interested. You seem pretty fascinated by it though... Knock yourself out.
  23. Goukosan

    Elliot Page

    Of course you wonder, that's right up your alley
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