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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    No it doesn't lol, maybe from something like Digital Foundry whose only function is technical analysis, but reviews? No. 



    Reviews mention if a game runs like shit.  They won't go and measure frames... but if it runs like shit they will let you know. 


    If its locked they may also mention that ir runs smoothly. 


    I swear you live in your own head and think that's the entire world. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    That's from multiple agencies tracking information independently and then you triangulate a rough estimate figure from all of their results combined. This is one firm, just one which god only knows their methods or abilities, and Sony's shipments alone are clearly exaggerated. As I said in my edit this is not something new, this has been circulating for months. 100 million PS4 GPU shipments months and months ago and they've only now sold-through 86 million? When this came out they had sold like 80, so a 20 million surplus of GPU's? I don't think so. 

    How far ahead do you thing components are shipped to manufacturers?   


    Do you think the consoles are made, shipped and sold in the same day? 


    You do know that the 89 million figure for PS4 is for data TWO MONTHS AGO RIGHT? 



    His point flew over your head.  He is not saying XB1 has sold 37 million or that Sony has sold 100 million.


    He is saying that MS cannot sell more XB1s than GPUs that have been shipped to them. 




  3. 12 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Isn't this one of the countless dumb things sheep have bolstered the Switch for?


    "It's great because I can take a shit and keep playing"


    Yeah, I've seen that I don't know how many times, even from people on this forum. 

    One Switch = Play everywhere. 


    Jonb1 bought 4 Xbox1s to use in one house for one person....... Yea that's dumb :mickeyj:

    • Haha 1
  4. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    I don't know who any of you people are, there's been literally millions of people to grace that forum. 


    Also he doesn't have a point, that's all independent research, that's not numbers from AMD lol...

    Wait a tic... just today you were guestimating Xbox1 numbers out your ass. 


    An Independent Analyst researched AMD's shipments but that's not credible :|

  5. 32 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    That point when it's an expectation of your system to "hitch or slow down" that when it doesn't happen it's a positive that needs to be openly mentioned in a review.




    "The Switch finally gets a multiplatform game that doesn't run like ass. 9/10!"



    Man this is a reach.


    Any game that doesn't slow down or hitch up gets highlighted on any system. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Holy shitposting shill twitter of the year, that's some cringy shit. I know we post some cringy stuff too but this is next level. 


    Did you actually read his other twitter posts lol?

    See itss things like this which tells me you're new to GS SW and SW in general. 


     He is an OG SW poster from back in the day.  He is a Sony shill yes... but he has a point with the AMD shipments to MS. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Are you not forgetting that Super Mario Odyssey released last October? 


    Yeah, the first holiday season for the system and it had a mainline Mario release. This is the second holiday season for the system, it still costs $300, and it's coming out with a side piece Pokemon game no one is talking about and Smash, the best selling Smash sold 13 million to an install base of 100 million. 


    There's so many variables you're not considering. 



    1) Both Pokémon and SMASH are bigger sellers than 3D Marios


    2)  Switch just sold 3 million in a non holiday Quarter.   


    You Expect it to sell the SAME EXACT AMOUNT for 3 months during the holiday season as it did for July through Sept. :cosby2:

  8. 3 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    And it's going to get worse.  The Pokemon/Smash combo is going to destroy last year's sales.

    DynamiteCop predicted 11 Switch WW for the year. 


    Switch is already at 8 million.... So by his predictions... Switch wil  lonly sell 3 million WW for Oct through Dec. 


    For comparison... Switch sold 7 million between Oct and Dec last year. 


    DynamiteCop :sabu:

  9. 9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You idiots latch onto the fiscal year because it pushes back the goalpost further and ignores everything else, no one else does this.


    For Xbox One no one cares about the fiscal year, for PlayStation 4 no one cares about the fiscal year, all people care about is the calendar year, how did the console sell in 2017? How is it selling in 2018? Not Nintendo's imaginary line in the sand you fucking idiot. Does NPD go by the fiscal year? No, they go by the calendar year. Does any analytical firm go by the fiscal year? No, they go by the calendar year because the year dictates external performance. The fiscal year is an internal year, it has no relevance externally.  


    You're the only lot who drone on about the fiscal year, the only ones. You completely ignore the calendar year, the calendar year that has to sell 7 million systems in the next 3 months to break even with 2017's 10 month performance. The next 3 months which has to sell 7 million when the previous 9 sold a mere 8...

    First of all MS hides fiscal year because they're chicken shit. 


    2nd of all.. Sony just released their fiscal year and everyone cared....same thing with Nintendo. 


    Lastly as far as your calendar comparison. 


    Jan throughout Sept 2018 


    2.92+1.88+3.19 = 7.99


    Jan through Sept 2017


    2.92+1.97+2.7 = 7.63


    Switch is ahead both in CALENDAR YEAR AND FISCAL YEAR. 


    DynamiteCop is owned as per usual:sabu:

  10. you forgot this part 


    Monster Hunter World/Generations Ultimate Performance

    In this business, the Monster Hunter series served as the driving force in improving the Company's business performance, with feature title Monster Hunter: World (for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One), which contributed to growth of the Company in the previous fiscal year, not only gaining further popularity through the expansion of its user base but also boosting profits through the strong performance of the Steam version for PC that was released in August. In addition, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (for Nintendo Switch) was released in markets outside of Japan and enjoyed robust sales owing to its consistent popularity
  11. 18 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    They've sold 8 million in 9 months, they need another 7 million sales in 3 months to basically break even with last year that only had 10 months on the books, shit's not happening, not even close. 


    Last fiscal year has 12 numb nuts.. lol



    50 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    For reference. 


    Last year for Q3 Nintendo sold over 7 million (Oct - Dec) 


    And last year Q3 + Q4 sold over 10 million. 


    This year they're expecting at least 15 million for Q3 + Q4 combined. 


  12. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    October even before Red Dead's release easily puts the Xbox One over 22 million in the US via NPD, September nearly swings it. According to varying analyst data the Xbox One has sold 5-7 million in the UK, so it's around 27-29 million. My 29 million comment was an offhand remark just off the top of my head, but still relatively accurate. Also sales in the UK for Xbox One have increased 22% as compared to 2017 according to one of their biggest retailers Argos, 11% for PS4 and 9% for Switch. 



    22% in argos =/= 22% across the UK. 


    22% without an actual figure can also mean you still sold less units that your competitors. 


    so basically, your 29 million is a guesstimate. 

  13. 2 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It's sold like 29 million with the US and UK alone, you're trippin.

    Are you mixing conflating UK = all of Europe again?   


    This last time you did that you counted UK twice.... once by itself and a 2nd time when counting Europe as a whole. 


    Was that 29 million across the Americas + Europe?   Or Specifically US + UK? 

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