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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. July to September Switch sold 3.19M compared to last years 2.92 in the same Time frame (Q2) 


    April to July Switch sold 5.07 compared to 4.89 last year through the same Time frame (Q1)


    YOY Switch is up in 2018.


    Switch Hardware shipments WW LTD: (units)
    Japan - 5.52 million
    The Americas - 9.13 million
    Other - 8.20 million

    Switch Hardware shipments WW LTD by %:

    Japan - 24%
    The Americas - 40%
    Other - 36%

    Nintendo Switch
    Hardware: (units)
    This quarter: 3.19 million
    Cumulative: 5.07 million ( April through Sept) 
    LTD: 22.86 million
    Forecast: 20.0 million

    Software: (units)
    This quarter: 24.17 million
    Cumulative: 42.13 million
    LTD: 111.10 million
    Forecast: 100.0 million
    (Only counts Digital software that has a retail version)




  2. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    See I wasn't even aware, more Wii to Wii U name confusion.

    Yup, the branding on the Wiiu sucked hard...couple that with the same exact art style as the Wii version (except in HD).....its easy to see how people would think it was the same game. 


    Its a great 2D game though.... didn't get to reach mass market on Wiiu because of branding confusion + the Wiiu bombed. 


    Should do great on Switch since alot of people didn't play it on Wiiu. 





  3. 3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Is it?

    Yes.  Every single stage is a new stage. 


    It actually had tons of content (8 worlds, secret worlds) and the Luigi Expansion was great. 


    Almost 200 levels of 2D Mario stages. 


    It also had those challenge stages that were ridiculously hard. 


    The art style was waaaaaaaaaaaaay too similar to the previous NSMB games though.... people were tired of the SAME EXACT ART STYLE for 3 straight NSMB games. 


    Even the three NES 2D games looked different... and so did the SNES game... not these three though... smh. 

  4. The thing is... both Sony and MS tend to take a conservative approach with trying something new with controllers.   


    They would refine something that already established or make an improvement on that.   But they both rarely try to take gambles on controllers.   They wait until it works somewhere else and then make their own version of it. 



    On the flip side....Nintendo takes huge gambles on controllers.... sometimes too much gambles to their own detriment (Wiiu) and sometimes it works out (Dpad, rumble, motion, analog, gyro etc). 


    We would need all three taking gambles for controllers to move forward at a faster pace. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    And this one has less than 1 year and Mario is already rendering very close to perfectly... while running at 40+ fps :drake: 


    Completely different architectures...


    And why do I care about the timeframe...? I don't need this to be perfect right now.  I'll be fine with buying and playing Bayo3 on my Switch, and then having the emulated 4K version a couple years later... :shrug: 

    Bro not hating on emulation.  just saying its funny that everytime you posted it... it was always "soo close". 


    I'm a big fan of emulation myself. Helps preserve games for years to come.   

    • Like 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    I think making it harder to get guns could possibly prevent normal gun related deaths ( which are a bigger problem tbh , nobody talks about that tho )


    I don't think it would stop mass killings . If you're the kind of person that can put your gun on a 95 year old lady or a 13 year old kill and still be able to pull the trigger...I don't think a longer wait period would stop that. 



    it's not about stopping it 100% (as yet), America has too many guns for that to happen over night. 


    Right now It's about reducing the amounts of incidents that involve killings with guns. 


    It can gradually get better year after year but you have to start somewhere. 



  7. During the panel, Hines teased that "the next Wolfenstein" game is also coming to Switch. 


    That's intriguing because the new standalone game Wolfenstein: Youngblood is only confirmed for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. There is also a third major Wolfenstein coming, but no platforms have been announced yet. It appears Hines was referring to one or both of these games.


    Bethesda already released Skyrim, Doom, and Wolfenstein: The New Colossus on Nintendo Switch, and Hines said Bethesda's games on Switch are doing well commercially.


    The upcoming Doom Eternal and The Elder Scrolls Legendsare also headed to Switch.


  8. 16 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    I'm sure it is to an extent ...but just general conversation today with most people ...didn't even bring it up .

    Or was just like ..oh yeah ? Damn that sucks .


    Like when they literally live 5 minutes away . I think everyone is desensitized. This shit happens so much even when it literally hits home ....it's like ...oh yeah . 

    Mass shootings happens waaaaay too much in North America... waaaaay too much 

  9. 5 hours ago, Remij_ said:

    Hey @bhytre and @Jon2B ... are you guys going to.... you know... actually PLAY this game??  :bena: 


    Neither of you have even touched it yet as far as Xbox Live is concerned :hehe: 


    Seems like neither of you give enough of a shit about this game to play it day 1:lawl: 


    They got caught lying about games they play... shocker :drake: 

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