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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. This is the type of rhetoric he is running on. Straight up facism.
  2. I'm only about 35 hrs in.....holiday weekend was bbq'n n shit so I probably won't pick it up until late tonight or maybe Sunday night. I'll probably beat the game around 80 hrs.. But I won't be finished with it until I do almost all the side adventures, side quests and all the shrines.... So im looking at maybe around 120 ish. Which was the same amount of time I put into BOTW. So "only" 85 hrs to go
  3. BOTW did that for me 7 years ago, Eldin ring rook that and further reinforced it.... Then TOTK sealed the deal.
  4. Who else besides you and Ghostz said it looked bad? Everyone else said it looked good but they're expecting the same formula. You're doing some decent concern trolling... I'll give you credit there... At least it's not your typical snooze inducing drivel.
  5. So by your generous estimation they haven't had a good show in 4 years. That 2019 show wasn't even good so it's more like in 5 to 7 years... But just for this I can use 4 years because my point still works. So in 4 years they haven't had a good show, yet somehow you expect a good show front them.... Ok
  6. Celtics tried their best to give away the game... Lol
  7. And the crazy thing is he keeps scamming them and they keep coming back for more
  8. You were saying? Boston fighting back makes Lakers getting swept look even more pathetic
  9. That is my point. He is out of his depth, doesn't have a full grasp of the geopolitical situation and his stance on Ukraine changes with the wind.
  10. Cooke you should love DeSantis... He has your same stance and agrees with Trump that there should be a settlement (aka Ukraine surrenders) because it will be a war of attrition and Russia will win. And Twinblade didn't know you changed your stance on Ukraine to now agree with Cooke, Trump and now DeSantis too
  11. Nintendo was inspired by all the unintended that people were doing in BOTW. People were creating vehicles using magnetism and then using the kinetic energy power to make it fly and do a bunch of crazy shit with the world.
  12. This is almost word for word what you said about TOTK.. Lol
  13. That wasn't the point I was making. We haven't seen enough of Spiderman 2 to make a call on what they're going to add that's new. Up until he played it Twinblade was saying the samething or worse about TOTK based on the first trailer... As if a developer will reveal everything about a game in the first real trailer 7 months away from release...lmfao.
  14. All of them? OOT, Zelda 1, LTTP and TOTK are a tier above all other Zelda's. BOTW is right below those and everything else comes after. In terms of 3D Zelda's... So far it's my second favorite to OOT but realistically TOTK is a better game.
  15. You said the samething about TOTK all the way up until release. You guys jump to conclusions waaaay to quickly.
  16. Got to the Wind Temple last night... Will tackle that sometime today
  17. Im no where close to done.. Lol Glad you enjoyed it.
  18. So zero exclusives to look forward to on PC, a bunch of broken ports and 3 year wait for Playstation games...
  19. PC gamers can look forward to broken ports What big exclusives is PC looking forward to? What about Xbox? What big exclusive is Xbox looking forward to? And Spiderman 2 on PS5 will move more hardware and software on PS5 alone than anything on Xbox and PC combined for the entire year
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