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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 48 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This is a leftist ploy, nothing more.


    5 hours ago, Goukosan said:

    The Secret Service, The FBI, the CIA and the NYPD all conspired to have this happen. 


    They  all coordinated with the Clinton's, Obama, CNN, NYT,  NYS Governor, NYC Mayor, Eric Holder etc to pull this off. 


    Tobias Isreal was the mastermind behind this :dame:


    It's all a ploy guiz! 

  2. 43 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    but bu the 3DS cuck version sold more in Japan :mj:


    That's exactly the problem that makes the Japanese IPs forgotten in the west. What matters is a high end console versions sparks more interest in the west for the franchise than ever before. Forget about Japan for a second.



    Re read what I said. 


    I said the 3DS version in Japan sold more than the PS4 version did World Wide combined. 


    The 3DS version hasn't been released in the west as yet... but that will also outsell the PS4 version out west. 



    Octopath also outsold DQXI in the United States :sabu:



    No it hasn't sparked more interest.  The game cost almost twice more than the DQIX did at retail .... so any decent sales on PC and PS4 would generate a higher dollar amount in the west..... that's not rocket science. 


    You noticed they did not say it sold more units? :cmpunk2:

  3. 46 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    CNN is reporting that a device was attempted to be delivered at Joe Biden's OLD address, where he doesn't live anymore.

    And they are trying to track it down.


    So, that means:

    • Barack Obama
    • Hillary Clinton
    • George Soros
    • Kamala Harris
    • Debbie Wasserman Schultz
    • Maxine Waters (twice, a second package was discovered at the San Diego mail facility, in her name)
    • CNN - addressed to John Brennan
    • Joe Biden

    And there are people here who are trying to spin this that the real victims are the ones who hate the liberals.


    Just so that we can state the obvious: There was an assassination attempt on TWO former American Presidents and a former American Vice-President today.


    Joe Biden Too..... Tobias Isreal was very busy today :dame:

  4. Hey you're late to the party. 


    1) Octopath outsold DQXI launch. (in the US) 


    2) They're talking about "dollar sales".   DQXI cost 60.....DQIX launched at 35.



    Nice try though. :mickeyj:





    3) The 3DS version (Japan alone) has outsold the PS4 version  WW. 


    4) The Switch is getting this game too. 


    5) Wrong about what?  I don't remember saying DQXI won't do well on PS4....  Its Dragon Quest.. it will do well. 


    I said it will do better on Switch once it comes out. 

  5. 1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

    Lmfao :D probably done it themselves like everything else they've co-ordinated :D after all the shit the paat few years I can't believe anything they say.


    and loofles at the left being like "Look its those evil right wingers!!! i told you they were violent!!!"


    look at yourselves over the past two years. You're conpletely unhinged.

    The Secret Service, The FBI, the CIA and the NYPD all conspired to have this happen. 


    They  all coordinated with the Clinton's, Obama, CNN, NYT,  NYS Governor, NYC Mayor, Eric Holder etc to pull this off. 


    Tobias Isreal was the mastermind behind this :dame:

    • Haha 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    It's shit talk. Everyone does this, but there are some crazy ass redneck repubs out there. I'm sure there are the same on the opposite side. I'm not seeing the correlation, but it'll be interesting to see how this all turns out.

    Shit talk is talking about your opponents policies etc. 


    But Actually preaching dangerous rhetoric is not shit talk. 


    Bombs being sent to people he targeted... also isn't shit talk. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    Domestic terrorism because of Republicans or just terrorism in general?

    Domestic Terrorism because of Trump. 


    He specifically called the press i.e. CNN, NYT etc the enemy of the people. 


    He constantly pushed dangerous rhetoric about Obama, Clinton and Soros. 


    Remember he started the "Obama is a Muslim, not American and that him and Hillary are the leaders of Isis" 



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