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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. Just now, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    I know it's not Russia, the point that I wouldn't exclude this as a pre election false flag operation. Imagine the media noise it will create, especially since it also targeted pro democrat agencies. There are so many angles you can spin this from, the media space will be dominated by this.

    The secret service and FBI already confirmed it's true.    Not a "false flag". 


    Anything else comrade? 

  2. Just now, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    I don't give a fuck about anyone mentioned.


    The point is that either party is willing to use any dirty means possible for their elections agenda, there are billions on the line here.

    again this isn't Russia..... where Reporters etc mysteriously get killed for opposing Putin. 


    It shows you how normalized this is in Russia for you to think that this was a Political Party sanctioned attack by the Republican Government. 



  3. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Who was STUPID ENOUGH to actually think that more people were buying the $500 version of the Xbox than the $250 version?


    And why would that happen, out of nowhere..............10 months after the Xbox One X came out? If that were to happen, it would almost certainly happen during the X's launch month.


    I mean, someone can't POSSIBLY be stupid enough to believe that fact at face value.........much less go around and try to POST it to tell others.




  4. 7 minutes ago, Beta Bux Romeo said:

    DQXI was the first Switch game announced and we haven't seen shit this TGS.


    It's clearly going to be some custom version, like the 3DS one is. They might add some 2D world gimmicks or something that you can switch or something even if it's just the PS4 version downscaled.

    DQXI runs at 900p 30fps on base, they probably need time to make it look good, specifically for the portable mode.

    DQIX was designed on an older version of UE4 that didn't include Switch support. 


    Square was waiting on some conversation tools (From Epic) to make the porting process easier.   They stated about 10 months ago that things are now moving along well. 


  5. *Posting this from slow Jonny back fired XB1 sales thread*


    So im reading the NPD resetera thread. 


    those  Xbox fanboys are so rabid that they chased the NPD analyst. 


    He will now only respond to Twitter and not post NPD insight on resetera anymore. 


    And it seems like the NPD leaker won't be sharing hardware anymore because he keeps getting attacked when Xbox does badly  :|

  6. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    What comment, don't just link a 14 page thread with no reference

    See my quote.   Base model and S sell. more units than X. 




    X is the leading segment for dollar sales this year, while Base/S leads for units.


    So not only does the base model and the S have a higher userbase (that much is obvious)..... the base model is currently OUTSELLING X this year. 


  7. 15 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    So the X has sold at minimum 930,000 in the US through September.

    nope.  Another @Jon2B thread backfire. 


    S and Base model still sell the most units. 


    NPD Matt in reference to which Xbox model sells the most compared to itself - 

    X is the leading segment for dollar sales this year, while Base/S leads for units.



  8. SEGA announced intentions to bring every popular game in their catalog up to Dreamcast to Nintendo Switch.


    In a recent Famitsu interview, SEGA’s Naoki Horii said that the company is close to successfully making Dreamcast titles work on Nintendo Switch through emulation. But there’s still one question left unanswered.


    Horii said there are two ways to go about making SEGA Ages Dreamcast titles on Nintendo Switch, either through emulation or remaking the game as they still have its source code. Both approaches are very different, but it seems the company is leaning towards using emulation for most of its Dreamcast titles, while picking the remake option for the rest


    To quote Bodycount.... "welcome home"

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