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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 1 hour ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    Well in the large scheme of things yes; he's in LA, he's got this Talent Agency/Production Company - he's essentially transitioning to go 'Full Hollywood'.


    I doubt the LA Lakers can make it out of the Western Conference this year - because Golden State is more stacked than the 90's Olympic Dream Team; but he gave a team that was 3-4 years from being a playoff contender, to becoming a Top 5 team.


    Edit: Although I say that and the LA Lakers are 0-3 against 2 teams they should have beat.


    Also final point - sad to watch DeRozan on the Spurs now; just feels weird watching him as he felt like a Raptor4lyfe :sad:




    But also, Rudy Gay how you not gonna press Lebron in those final seconds :mj:


    Williams in this OT :wow:



    Lebron 0/2 on those free throws leaving 11.2 secs for the Spurs!? :omg:




    Welcome to the west LeBron.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Casual said:


    For all thsoe people who want worse performance AND to play Dark Souls on terrible joycons. 

    worse performance compared to? 


    It runs at a higher res, no screen tearing and runs stably when compared to the original.  (The original would drop into the teens) 


    Even the PS4/ XB1 version has frame rate and frame pacing issues..... those are inherent to the engines the From Software uses. 


  3. The thread is about NPD sales... which include all 3 systems. 


    We discussed that PS4 was number 1.  We discussed that Spiderman was number one (Physical sales). 


    We discussed Mario Party physical sales being higher than Both Tomb Raider and FH4. 


    We discussed Switch sales vs last year.... and finally we discussed Xbox1 coming last again. 


    Slow Jonny and DynamiteCop interprets that as "All you guys do is talk about XB1". 


    Those two have a seriously persecution complex :lupe:

  4. 54 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Lmao " we do not use metacritic ! :tear2: "


    " Ok can we use metacwitikz? :tear2: "


    Nope . Nor can you grow hair .


    Keep pretending you are playing 3 plus month old not even AAA games ROFL


    " We have great new AAA exclusives ! "

    * I mean 3 month old just barely AA games :tear:


    You're an idiot :D




    On 2018-10-20 at 7:38 PM, Jon2B said:

    Yeah , what exclusives are you playing ? 

    Slow Jonny is still running from himself. :sabu:

  5. 6 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Lol pretending to only play exclusive games to make what point ? That you have nothing to play? It's like when you played Zelda for a year because you had nothing else ROFL. I'm not a dumb lying fangirl like you ROFL . 


    there is no gs score making the game irrelevent . We do NOT use metacritic . Your vote , idiot :D


    22 hours ago, Jon2B said:

    Yeah , what exclusives are you playing ? 

    Jonb1 running from his own questions :mj:


    I play other games.... but YOU asked about exclusives...... nice self ownage by you there. 


  6. 1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

    So you're playing 3 to 4 month old AA games ? Proves my point exactly :D how many playthroughs are you on ? Rofl 


    Liar . Xeno isn't aa

    look at slow Jonny constantly run from posting what exclusives he is playing :mj:



    September 14 until today isn't 3 months retard. 





    AAE :blessed:

  7. 50 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    You're NOT playing those old games . Maybe Xenoblade . That's not AA .


    Xenoblade: Battle for Torna is a stand alone prequel that released on September 14th 2018.   AAe


    Octopath was July 2018 AAe


    Donkey Kong Adventure was June 2018 - AAe. 


    Its still your turn to answer which exclusives you're playing on Xbox :drake:

  8. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I can feel the forced hope in your comment, not that you necessarily believe that but rather you're pressing it hoping for it to be the case.



    Im not hoping anything. 


    MS already announced their 3rd party intentions.  


    Yes they will also have a console next gen..... you're HOPING that they make another one after that. :cmpunk2:


  9. 9 minutes ago, Bodycount NX said:

    Launch a $500 "world's most powerful console" with one new 'Exclusive' (Also on PC day one)




    Only one company fucking stupid enough :mickey: Only one

    That's exactly my point..... built a powerful system...  and now one year later.... not one single game from their first party developers to showcase the true power of the system..... wasted potential. 


    as far as PS3 games looking better.... it wasn't  just Artistically alone.... From the ground up PS3 games were also better technically and Graphically than 360 games.      Your delusion knows no bound. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    The Xbox One X is the most powerful console in existence both on paper and in practice, but according to you guys Sony games look better because of the development talent at Sony studios.


    That means the relative performance of the PS3 is pointless as according to you guys the PS3 could be less powerful like the PS4 Pro relative to the X and still produce better looking games via superior talent. 


    Fucking dead, you just shot yourself right in the face. :hest:

    The Xbox1 X is the most powerful... unlike your delusional ass no one denies that. 


    A game built from the ground up for Scorpio would look out of this world....


    unfortunately MS first party this gen hasn't delivered that type of game as yet..completely from the ground up on Scorpio. 


    With PS3 Sony delivered from the ground up PS3 games which showcased the power of the system over the 360...and now your delusional ass is trying to deny this fact :cmpunk2:

  11. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Paper figures mean nothing, effective system performance is the only thing that matters. Like your garbage posts the PlayStation 3 was a paper tiger. The only supposed advantageous component of the PlayStation 3 was its CPU, the GPU and RAM were both bested by the Xbox 360 in not only paper figures but also effective perfomrance. 


    The PlayStation 3's CPU was theoretically more powerful, say that with me because it's important, the·o·ret·i·cal·ly. Was it effectively more powerful though meaning showing itself to be in practice? Absolutely not in every single use case, it remained theoretically more powerful because not one instance in its entire existence as a video game console showed it to be more effectively powerful. 


    Games built from the ground up on on PS3 were ahead of what 360 could produce overall. 


    Uncharted 2, 3, last of US, GOW 3, MGS4, Kill Zone 2etc.    The best looking games last gen were PS3 exclusives. 


    Your delusions doesn't change that :cmpunk2:





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